Flight Attendant | Sebastian Stan

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So... This was like originally two thousand words, but since it got deleted, it's much less. It's also less funnier, and not nearly as descriptive as before, because I was rushing.

After this, my updates will become slower, as my school starts back up, but I'll be frequently editing everything.

Inspired by three hilarious YouTube Videos.

"I dunno, Chris," Sebastian mumbled as he looked through the large glass windows, and at the large runways and airplanes that littered the scene.

"Dude, it's just a plane. Thousands of people ride on them every day, and no one gets hurt." Chris says, not looking up from his phone, and continuing to play Angry Birds.

"If by plane you mean a huge metal death trap that ways ten tons and can malfunction any time and bring us to our death, then yes. No one gets hurt."

Chris snorted, and hit Sebastian's cap down so it completely covered his face.

Sebastian scowled, lifting his hat back up, and sinking down farther into his seat. "I just don't like flying."

"I forgot to mention that we're all spread out," he says, referring to the cast sitting in the terminal, all in disguise. "None of us are sitting together."

The cast was being interviewed in New York, and they were just finishing up filming in a studio in LA.

"Wait, really? So no one will be there to distract me if I completely lose it?!"



You made your way to the front of the plane, near the first class compartment, and picked up the phone, dialing a code so that it would go straight to the PA System. The engines started up just outside the plane, and they were performing flight checks.

"Hello everyone, I'm (Y/N), the Head Stewardess here on flight 1-8-2. Thank you for flying BlueLine Flights and Transportation Services, I'm here to give you your safety debriefing to make your flight safer, and more comfortable."

"We do also use many jokes, just to keep you guys engaged in our speech. My lovely co-workers will be demonstrating how to use the safety devices, right down the center aisle."

You paused for a moment, letting the other Flight Attendants walk down the center aisle. "First we have the sets belts. These are to be put during takeoff and landing. You will see when to take them off and put them one when the yellow light on the overhead compartment turns on. If they are on, please put your seatbelt on. If the yellow light is nowhere to be seen, feel free to take your seatbelt off."

Your co-workers pulled out their demonstrating seatbelts.

"To work the seatbelt, take the metal buckle, and insert it into the other piece. Take the loose piece and tighten it just like my grandmother does to her support bra."

The passengers laughed, and from his seat, Sebastian loosened up a bit.

"Press the red button to release the buckle. In case things take a turn for the worse, and we start to rocket into the ocean, all of you get your very own teeny-weeny yellow bikini!" The girls pulled out yellow life vests, holding them up to the passengers.

"But, of course, this will be a flight over land, and if at any point you see open ocean, feel free to yell up at the pilot's cabin 'Hey! I think your GPS is broken!'. To inflate the live vest, pull the lose tab, and blow into the red tube until it is fully inflated. In times of emergency, your seats can also be used as a floatie."

"On this flight there is no smoking, in the cabin, or in the bathrooms. If you feel the urge to light a cigarette, please feel free to step outside."

All the passengers laughed openly, and Sebastian felt a slight comfort in sharing an airplane ride with someone who was so carefree about it.

"But, may I also add, that outside the plane, it is a crushing -59 degrees Celsius, and you should probably consult your doctor before subjecting your body to that kind of torture."

"But in all seriousness, if there is anything that my colleagues or I can do for you to make your flight more comfortable, feel free to flag one of us down. I have also been informed that we have a few celebrities in first class. Some of you may want to come up to the front to take pictures, but we ask that you please respect their privacy, and ask them when we land in New York."

"After the takeoff, I will be coming around with a cart full of drinks and snacks. Once again, thank you for flying on BlueLine Flights and Transportation Services. I'm (Y/N), and I hope you enjoy your flight."

You hung up the phone as everyone clapped for your performance. You curtsied jokingly, and sat down in your assigned flight attendant seat, buckling in. Since it was facing back, you could see Sebastian gripping his arms rests, closing his eyes, and taking deep breaths as the plane took off.

After the seatbelt light had turned off, you made your way to his seat with your cart. "Sir, if you're afraid of flights, them might I suggest a strong wine to knock you out until we arrive at our destination?"

He opened his eyes, smiling slightly. "Ah... No thanks, I'm a bit of a sloppy drunk."

You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Aren't we all." You placed a water bottle and a bag of nuts in front of him. "If there's anything you need at all, feel free to ask."

You winked at him and made your way farther down the aisle.

At that exact moment, Sebastian knew he fell for you.

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