the move

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*******Where main character is ***********currently living.

I was sitting at my desk, chewing on the end of my favorite purple gel pen, waiting for my class to end when The intercom called in cutting my science teacher off,

"Yes she's know her way.."
He looked at me and motions me to leave his room. I quickly grabbed my things and headed out to the front office, hoping I was going to get checked out eairly. .

I walked in the room expecting to see my dad sitting in the waiting chairs, but instead was meet with 2 police officers standing up looking at me sternly.
"Pandora S. Royce?"
One of the officers asked.
"Uh, yeah that's me... is everything okay?"
"I'm afraid not. You father, John Royce, had been arrested for attempting to rob the city Bank with 2 other people. We'll need to take you down to the station to ask a few questions, plus your dad keeps demanding to speak with you."
"Yeah...yeah sure..." I was in utter shock. The last thing I expected today was to be taken to the police station because of my dad.
I knew that we were having financial issues, but I never thought it was so bad that he needed to rob a bank.

*****&In the cop car
"Now to our understanding you are 16? Right."
"Uh yeah. How is that relevant." I asked
"Well since your still a minor, with the way it looks your dad is going to do some time. So you'll have to live with another family member, preferably your mother if she's still around if not than an uncle or aunt, maybe grandparent."
"Um yeah my.. my mom is still around she just lives in a different state."
"Okay." The officer said pulling into the station.
They escorted me to the front where I signed some papers, then entered an interrogation room.
After they asked me a few questions, they brought my dad into the room leaving us alone.

He sat across from me looking down at the cuffs wrapped around his wrists.
"I'm sorry pan." He said as he began to cry.
I felt bad seeing the state he's in.
"Why? Why would you do that dad? Why didn't you tell me!"
"Pandora you have to understand I'm your dad... I have to support you.. not the other way around. All you should worry about is school."
"Dad... I could have still helped. I could have gotten a job after school. We could have worked though it... you didn't have to ROB A GOD DAMN BANK IN A FUCKING CITY WHERE EVERYONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE!!!"
"Fuck you" I scoffed looking away from him

"Look pan... my plan was stupid I know. And my lawyer said that I'm looking at some time here. So please. Pan.." He reached over grabbing my hands
"I don't know how long it will be just yet.. but I need you to be strong. I already called your mom--"
"NO dad... not her I don't wanna live with her!"
"Pandora she's your mother..--"
"Yeah but she doesn't give a damn about anyone but her self!"
"Pandora! You are going to your mom's house in Manhattan. You will finish school, and if I get out before your 18th birthday and you still want to live with me. Then .... I'm here for you baby. Okay.." He began to cry again as the door opend.
"Time to go mr. Royce. " an officer walked in saying .
"I love you pancake. Please behave while I'm gone."
I got up and rushed to my dad before the officer took him from me. I pulled him in a hug.
"I love you too dad. I'll write to you.okay.." my voice quivered as I failed to hold back the tears.
"Hey baby, don't cry okay." He said wiping a tear from my cheek. I nodded as the officer grabbed my dad's arm and pulled him away from me.

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