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I woke up to the smell of pancakes.

I walked downstairs and saw grayson... Wait noo... a boy with grayson's face, but different hair. His jawline was also wider, and he had a freckle on his cheek, insted of his chin.

"Hey. I'm ethan." He said reaching out his hand for me to shake.
"Are you grayson's girl?"
He asked flipping the pancake over.
"Uh.. no not really... I'm Pandora, your step sister."
"Wait what?"
"Oh so I see no one decided to let you know you had step siblings eaither."
"Uh.. yeah well I'm making pancakes if you want some.. oh and can you go wake grayson up? I'd do it myself, but I'm making pancakes..."

"Oh yeah sure thing... heh... broo"

Then I very awkwardly punched ethans arm and backed out the kitchen.

I went to my room and woke grayson up.

"Hey shit head wake up! Your brother is here!"
I whispered.
Grayson groaned and put his head under the pillow going back to sleep.
"Grayson!" I said again. Finally I grabbed the blanket and threw it off him and slapped that plump little ass and he popped right up.

"You what the fuck!"
"Shut the hell up! Your brother is downstairs!"

Grayson got up and started heading out the door.
"Grayson... your clothes.."
Grayson looked down and noticed he was butt naked he covered his sack "shit.." He said he ran back to my bed and picked up his briefs "you might wanna put some pants on too." He said before going downstairs.
I looked at myself and I was wearing grayson's shirt and a pair of underwear.

I said, then started looking for something loose to wear.

I went back downstairs and the twins were talking.

"So.. how was it?"
Grayson asked.

"It's was alright. Really tough, but pretty cool."

"Sweet man... sweet."

I stepped in the kitchen and the boys looked over to me.

"Oh hey.. Pandora right?"

"Yeah.." I smiled.

"Well breakfast is ready."
Ethan smiled putting down a plate with a large stack of pancakes.

"Oh.. thank you."

All three of us sit down and grab pancakes with syrup and begin to talk.

First it was just the boys talking about girls they've been getting with lately... of course grayson doesn't say anything about us though.

Then I came into question.

"What about you panda?"
Grayson askes.

"What about me what?"
I say looking as if I got cought.

"You met anyone yet?"
Ethan askes.

"Oh, heh no.. not really." I say looking down to my plate, not really wanting to start anything.

"Yeah figures as much, your a very mean person."
Grayson says biting a piece of pancake.

"Yeah sorry only to you ass hat."
I say rolling my eyes.
Ethan smiles a little.

"You sure? You were wearing a guys shirt when you came down here this morning."

My face turned red.
"Oh, uh that was nothing."

"Haha sure it was.. where is he?"
Ethan asks.

I glance over to grayson and see he looked a bit worried.

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