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We were chillin at the club. We used fake IDs to get in. Jaki brought her this dustin who she's 'friends with benefits' with, and a few other friends came along too.

Samaria, or samy for short, and Justin.

Jackie and Dustin were all up in each other's faces, and Sammy Justin and I were taking shots too sweet who could take the most fastest. Justin was in the lead, until a random girl decided to jump on his laps, and make out with him.
Sammy and I were making oooh sounds and cheering it on.

"Hey Imma get some water!" I shouted over the loud music.
"Bring me some!"
She replied.

I got up and walked to the bar.
"Excuse me!?"
I called over the bar tender, but he didn't listen.
"Hello?? Sir?!"
I said again waving my hand to get his attention.
Suddenly a dude with dirty bond hair, that was up to his shoulders, came up behind me and with a simple hand jester, got the guys attention. -_-
I looked over, and noticed he was actually kinda hot.
He was pretty buff, and had a really cute smile.
"Hey. Uh.. what did you want?"
The stranger asked me.
"Uh. Just 2 waters."
I said. The bartender looked at me, then back at him.
" You heared the pretty lady," He said with a smirk, as he looked to me.
"2 waters."
The guy walked away, and grabbed 2 water bottles from the back, and came back leaving it next to us. "$5.75."
The bartender said.
The stranger paid for it, then asked "So where ya sitting?"

"With some friends, over there."
I said pointing to my people.

"Oh. Nice.. are-aren't you a little young to be at a strip club?"

"Aren't you a little old to be hitting on a girl who you think is a little young?"
"Ok. I'm not sure if that even makes sense."
We began to giggle, as I noticed Sammy run up to me.
"Hey! Uh jaki and Dustin are going to his car to do the nasty, and Justin is throwing up everywhere, we gotta go."
She said in a slight panic.
"Awe shit." I looked over to the guy who I had just met, and siad.
"Well it was nice meeting you."

I was about to take off, when he stopped me.

"Hold on. Let me help."

"You want to help us with our throwing up friend?"
I questioned.
"Yeah."He shrugged. "Gotcha nothing better to do anyways.
I shrugged smiling, and linked my arm with sammys, and the stranger followed us outside to the front. Justin was bent over throwing up in some bushes.

Sam went to go rub his back, as I stood there just observing.

"So. Need a ride?"
The guy asked.
I looked up to him
"Tch. I don't even know your name."
"It's wyatt."

"Ub.. well I came here with my friends you know, its--"
Suddenly jaki came stomping over, and Dustin was behind looking pissed as hell.
"Where are your car keys! Let's go."
Jaki said angrily. To sammy.

"Jaki, I can't leave Justin is puking everywhere."
She looked back to dustin, the to sam.
"He can take care of his friend. We are leaving."
Jaki grabbed sammys hand and started walking away.
"Baby, wait!" Dustin said
"Dont call me that! Pandora, are you comming?!"
She asked.
"Uh.. Yea-just Gimmy a sec."
I said.
I looked over to wyatt, and was about to speek, but sammy cut me off.
"Pan, it's your birthday, have a little birthday fun!!"
She teases.
Jaki rolled her eyes and kept walking.
"Forget about her. I got dis!"

Sammy said before running after jaki in her heals.
I looked back over to wyatt
"Heh.. so about that ride."
I smiled.

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