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Panda's pov

I walked out the lobby, and began waiting there for one or both the boys to come down when suddenly I got a message.

"Who the hell is texting me at this time?"
I said to myself while pulling my phone out of the waist band of my skirt.
I unlocked my phone and noticed it's from jax.

"Hey so about hanging out today? Want me to pick you up?
He asked
I replied
"Ya .. spend the day w/ me . If u cant its no biggie..

I looked inside the lobby then back to my phone.

I texted him my address then said
"But we have to show up to the community service thing.

"Cours me too my aunt would probs kill me if I didnt.
I'm 10 minutes away btw

He sent. I smiled simply replying

Grayson's pov. 

After I finished getting ready I walked downstairs and met up with eth. We went to the elevator then to the lobby. When we were near the glass doors, I noticed Pandora standing there as a car drove up.

The person driving the car got out then ran around to her side. They hugged, then he opened the passenger side door for her. She smiled as she got in. I felt my heart being squeezed.

Ethan noticed this too, and patted me on the back.
"Gotta get over her dude."
He said.
I kept observing what was going on.

That's when I saw the guys face.. it was that dude she was talking to last night..
Him and I made contact for a few seconds while he was opening his door.

I had a bad feeling about him. Don't know what it was.
Maybe it just cuz he's with her.. but... there's something about him that's off.

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