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I woke up. My room was empty. Or so I thought.

I went to the bathroom to pee and change my tampon.

I walked out the bathroom minding my own damn business, when suddenly I was grabbed my the waist and my eyes were covered.

I screamed cuz who wouldn't, then my mouth was covered.

the stranger said.

"Guess who.."

I sighed in relief when I recognized the voice.


He let go of me and started laughing.

"Hahah you should have seen your face!!! Priceless!"

"Hmm yeah well I'm glad I amuse you."
I said sarcastically.

Alex grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"That was a nice surprise I got from you last night.."
He said putting his forehead on mine.

"I figured you might like it."
I smiled. Alex leaned in and kissed me.

Damn this boy is boyfriend material...

We were soon cut off my an annoyed grayson clearing his throat.

We looked over and quickly separated.

"Hey man.. were ready to go."
Gray said trying to act not annoyed.

"Yeah alright."
Alex said before directing his attention back to me.
"See you soon?"
Alex winked before walking past grayson.

"I'll be right down in left my phone in here."
Gray told alex so we'd have a few minutes alone.

"Gosh... what now."
I said clearly annoyed.

"I told you to back off alex.."

"Yeah well I told you to back off me, but that didn't happen eaither now did it."
Grayson rolled his eyes.
"Look about last night.. I'm sorry. I told you I don't like sharing my toys."

"Yeah well I'm not your toy, nor do I like being referred to one."

"So.. how's your boyfriend."
Gray randomly brought up.

"Shut up. I'm gonna break up with him. Just waiting for the right time."

"Right time? That's just an excuse. You don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Go to hell gray."

"Ladies first."
He smirked.
"Oh.. look at that.. silly me I had my phone in my pocket the whole time."
Grayson got closer to me. My chest was aginst his. (Sorta.. I'm shorter than him)
"Feel ya later panda."
Grayson said after kissing me, and squeezing my bum before leaving my room.

"Why... why does he do this shit.."

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