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Jax left, and I began making my way back upstairs to be with grayson.

I was at the top of the stairs when I suddenly heard the elevator door ding.

I ignored it assuming it was my mom getting back with the twins dad, until I heard a voice say...

And my heart died.

"Pancake? You here honey? "

I ran midway down the stairs and saw him.


A huge smile plastered across my face as I ran down and into his arms.
My dad dropped his bag and spun me around in his arms.

"How ya doin pancake?"
He asked putting me down.

I pulled back and looked him in the eyes, as my eyes filled with tears..

"Oh my god dad, I- I thought u were gonna be gone for like 4 years! What are you doing out?! It's only been a few months!"

"Yeah well good behavior and a major overflow in the prison, they decided I was clear to go."

"Thats crazy!!"
I replied smiling.

"Yeah! I know!, so Pandora, I know this is a bit sudden, but are you ready to go back home?"
He asked.

I felt myself go pail, as the same time I heard grayson voice.

"Panda.. what's going on?"

Gray was standing at the bottom of the stairs shirt less in some sweatpants.

I looked at him as he flickered his vision between my dad and i.

"Uh... graysons, this is my dad.." I said then Turing to my pops, " and dad, this is Grayson, my step brother.. I have another, ethan. But I think his in his room."

"Oh..." my dad said surprised, then cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you." My dad l held out his hand. Gray walked closer, and shook my dad's hand, and said "same to you sir."

My dad then turned to me.
"Heh.. I thought he was your boyfriend for a sec.. heh thank god he's not."

"Daadd!" I said pushing his shoulder.

"Ye- Well what do you want me to say, a young boy looking like that, and dating my daughter, ha no thank you !!"

My face turned slightly red thinking of all the shit gray and I have done.

"So pan.. you ready to go?"

"Wha- like now?!!"

"Well not this second, like you have time to pack and stuff, I'm just asking."
I looked to grayson he looked at me, and it killed my heart, then back to my dad.

*sigh.* "Yeah.. I'm ready." I said Quietly.  I went to my room. I felt a ball in my throat as I tried to refrain from crying. A few seconds later I heard 2 knocks on my door before someone walked in and closed it.  I looked behind me and saw grayson.

"So.. you're really leaving."
He said.
"Yeah. I guess i am."
I replied.
He asked
I turned my body to direct him, and said..
"My dad is out of jail. I have no reason to be here anymore."

"Well I thought maybe we could be the reason."
He said grabbing my hand.

I pulled away, trying to resist the urge to stay.

"I'm sorry gray.. " I said looking down at out hands, furrowing my brows.

"Knock Knock."
My dad's voice said, as he walked in my room.

"Wow.. nice room you got here.. not as colorful as the one back in Cali though."
He said. Smiling looking at grayson and I weirdly.
"Heh yeah.. thoes walls were a mess."
I replied pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Haha no they were beautiful. Full of life.. your life.."
Grayson got up and left the room.
"I remember the first time you painted the walls in your room. I walked in, and I swear I almost had a stroke. You're beautiful white, clean walls, now covered in all these dark, and pastel colors. I- I didn't even think you knew how to paint.. and now here it was... a beautiful picture, that looked like a mess from upclose, but when you took a few steps back, it reviled something so beautiful."

"Heh.. you know dad.. I did that out of anger."

"I know. You were upset. About your mother and I...  but while amazing art can made from joy... the best is from the pain one feels.."

"Dad I-"

"Shh.. let me finish. Pan your last painting was probably the scariest I've seen. I don't know what you were trying to say, but I understood the darkness you felt in this strange way.."
My dad paused and looked around  my room. The let out a light chuckled as tears came to his eyes.

"Pandora. It looks like you have a fresh canvas here. And if you don't want to come back. I'm not going to make you."

I felt tears roll down my eyes as I fell into my dad's arms.

"I love you dad."

I said into his shoulders as we cried into each other's arms.

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