Chapter 7

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There is going to be a few words that I put in here that may be offensive for some. Me personally I don't like this word and I just want to say I love gay couples they are so adorable. I just wanted to add this so no one thinks I am trying to offend gay couples, like I said I love gay couples and I think they care adorable.

James' POV

"Excuse me!?" My father yells.

I finally get the courage to say something. "I'm gay, and I....Love....Chandler."

"You do?" Chandler looks over at me with tons of excitement.

"Yeah..."I say shyly.

"I lo-" Chandler gets cut off. By my dad screaming.

"Get out!"

"What?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"I said get out! I will not have my faggot son in the same house as me along with his maggot boyfriend!" I knew he would yell, the yelling didn't faze me but that word hurt me real bad. The fact he called Chandler one too hurt even worse.

"Aiden don't be so harsh now" mother says sympathetically.

"No Mary! I don't need your input!" Dad yells at mom.

"Mom don't even try" I say with tears streaming down my face "he thinks that me being gay will affect his reputation. It won't affect your fucking reputation, it will affect mine, MINE NOT YOURS." By now I am sobbing" I don't need anything from you anymore. Chandler's parents accepted me and said I could stay with them if you kick me out, so I will just go up to my room grab my bag that I already packed because I knew this would happen and I will be on my way." I run upstairs while Chandler waits by the door for me.

I slowly come down the stairs and I hear my dad and Chandler fighting.

Chandler's POV

As soon as James went upstairs his father started yelling at me.

"It's all your fault my son is gay isn't it. Yeah, he met you and now he's gay. You should go rot in hell for wat you've turned my son into."

I look over at his family who looked sympathetic and then I fought back. "You can't just turn someone gay. They are born that way and now I know why James was so afraid to tell you, it's because your an asshole. I won't be surprised if James never speaks to you again!" By now I was seathing with rage.

"I can't stand to even see you so I'm going to go before James comes down, I better not ever see your face in my house again!"

"Trust me you won't!"

His father walks off into another room, and i look over to see James with tears in his eyes. I'm guessing he heard the whole conversation. He runs over and wraps his arms around my neck burying his face in my neck while crying. I wrap my arms around his waist tightly showing I'm not going anywhere.

"I completely support you I think you two are adorable together" I hear someone say.

I look up and I realize it's James' sister Jenny who said it. "Thank you so much" I say to her with a smile.

"I do too" I hear his mother say.

"So do we" his grandparents say.

By now James is looking up at all of them, and I'm guessing are now happy tears.

He looks up at me and I wipe the tears out of his eyes with my thumb.

"See I told you everything would be alright" I smile at him.

"Yes you did" and he gives me a long passionate kiss completely forgetting his family is right there.

Someone clears their throat. "We love and support you sweety, but we don't want to see you make out with your boyfriend."

We look up with a strong red on our cheeks. "Sorry" Jame's says sweetly.

"Why don't we finish dinner?" My grandparents ask.

"But what about dad?" James asks.

"He's gonna have to settle down and if he has another blow up then I will handle it." Mary (James' mom) says.

"What about the whole living situation?" I ask his mother.

"Well I think it would be best for James to stay at your house for a couple days just so his father can let it sink in and cool off, maybe even come to terms with it. I mean of that's alright with your parents."

"Yeah it's perfectly fine, we already had a plan for if something like this happened."

"Well what about that dinner?" I hear James' grandfather say.

"I think it's perfect. Why don't we sit down and finish it." James says taking my hand and dragging me to the table while every one else follows.

A/N: Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

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