Chapter 14

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James' POV

I woke up in darkness.

"Hello! Is anybody out there!?"


"Hello! Anybody!"

I realize I was sitting so I stood up. I started walking not having a clue on where I'm going.

Then I hear someone talking "James I love you I hope you wake up soon, I can't take the pain anymore."

Is that chandler? I think it is.

"Chandler!? Where are you!?" No answer "Come on Chandler you know I don't like these kinds of games! Chandler?" Now I was getting agitated and very scared because of the darkness.

Then I feel a sharp pain in my head, and people yelling "He's having a seizure!"

Wait!? Who is, is it me, no it couldn't be, I'm right the darkness.

Right after all of the noise stops and everything seems calm I see a bright light.

"Hello? Anybody there?"

I just hear silence, until the yelling comes back "Come on we're losing him!"

Wait, are they talking about me or someone else? They have to be because I'm right here and I'm fine.

As I draw closer to the light I black out again, but I'm still conscious. I am so confused on what's happening. I just wish Chandler was here right now.

Chandler's POV

As they were working on James all I heard was "We're losing him!" And I booked it away from his room. I know that isn't the best thing to do, but I couldn't stand it any longer. I ran past my parents who must have been coming to give me more clothes or try to convince me to come home, I didn't listen to what they were saying I jut kept running. I ran out the doors and collapsed along the wall of the hospital.

I heard footsteps running  out of the hospital, I knew it was my dad.

He saw me and ran over to me hugging me.

"Chandler what's wrong!" Dad asked me in as calm a matter he can muster.

"H-He h-had h-he h-had....." and I couldn't speak over my uncontrollable sobs.

"HE HAD WHAT CHANDLER!" dad yells at me.

"A-a-a s-s-seizure" I was barely able to answer.

"WHAT!?" and dad was bolting off towards James' room leaving me there to collect myself, which was next to impossible.

William's POV (Chandler's Dad)

As soon as I heard what chandler said, I ran as fast as I could to James' room. He has become like another son to me and I wanted to know everything that happened within the past hour.

I ran to James' room and saw a doctor coming out of it.

"H-how is he!?" I ask as I first see my wife sitting in the chair next to James' room balling her eyes out, I guess she already knows what happened. I just hop they are happy tears and not sad ones.

"Well James didn't have enough blood going to his brain for unknown reasons and had a seizure. He ended up dieing from this, but don't worry he is alive and he actually woke up!" The doctor explains with happiness in his voice.

"What!?" I ask surprised and thank god they are happy tears. I pull Gina (Chandler's Mom, William's Wife) into a huge hug. "Wait! We have to get Chandler!" and before anybody could say anything I was bolting out of my wife's embrace and rushing to the front of the hospital.

Chandler's POV - Sorry for all of the POV's changing

I collected myself but still have tear stained cheeks.

I hear those same footsteps running but they were even faster than before.

"Chandler!" I hear my dad yell.

"What?" I say nonchalantly

"He's awake!" He yells and I spring up from my spot.

"Did I just hear you correctly!?"

"Yes you did, now go see James, he's been asking for you." He says with a huge grin on his face.

I think I ran as fast as I ever have in my life.

"I'm coming my love, don't worry I'll be there soon." I whisper to myself.

A/N: You love me now? James is finally awake!  FUCK YEAH! I actually got my other friend to read this and she read it in like ten minutes, no joke.

Love you! The_Marvel_Chic and Diva102215

Go check out their pages, The_Marvel_Chic has a few cool stories you should check out, and Diva102215 started writing a story which she won't be able to update very much, but what I have read it's pretty good. so....

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