Chapter 26

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Possible Trigger Warning!!

Chandler's POV

"Chandler, could you please go after him." Mary asks me.

"Yeah, of course." With that I run out trying to find James."James!? James where are you!?" I hear slight crying coming from the bathrooms. I run in and see James on the floor in a pool of his own blood. I have no clue why he had a razor, or how he cut himself this bad, so fast. "OH MY GOD! JAMES! WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I run over and wrap my arms around him, pulling away when he starts to speak.

"I can't..." he trails off.

"YOU CAN'T WHAT!?" I'm sobbing right along with James.

"I can't do this anymore, I-I can't deal with everything that's happening.....It's all too much....I just can't" After he finishes his sentence he blacks out.

I run back to the court room, covered in James' blood, and both of our tears. I'm still sobbing as I burst through the doors. Everyone stops and turns to me.

"Oh my god Chandler! What happened!?" Both my mom and Mary ask at the same time.

"J-J-James..h-h-he c-cut h-himself, b-bad." I could barely speak, I had so many thoughts rushing through my head 'what if James dies?' 'I shouldn't have left him' 'what if he needed me'

I collapse onto the floor. My mother immediately runs over and hugs me, my father is still comforting Jenny from the earlier events.

"M-Mom, w-what if h-he d-dies, I c-can't live without him"

"shhh, he's going to be fine, James is strong. He wouldn't leave you, and the twins, his mom, Jenny. He's going to be alright."

A/N: Hey! Tori Here! How'd ya like it? huh? What do you think will happen to James? Sorry it's a bit short, it's meant to be that way XD Only a select number of people will understand these words...

This is only the beginning, There will be more, I can promise you that much....Love you guys XD

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