Chapter 16

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Chandler's POV

(James' mom and sister had walked in as he was writing the name)

I read that word.....Aiden and I was furious.

James' mom ended up passing out as soon as she read the sign, and Jenny was frozen.

"What!? No wonder he hasn't shown his face. I thought it was because he hates both of us just for being gay but I guess not!"

"Sir, firstly you need to calm down" I start to pace, and do as the officer tells me too."Thank you. Now can you tell me who aiden is?"

"He's James' father"

"So your saying James' father is the one who almost beat his son to death?" Officer Jacobs asks in confusion.

"You don't know Aiden. I wish James' mother would leave Aiden so James and Jenny would be safe, but she can't do that."

"Why can't she, and why would he do this to James?"

"He would beat her if she even talked about divorce, and he did this to James only because he's a huge homophobe"

"What's him being a homophobe have to do with anything?"

"Oh my god, did you not hear me earlier when I was ranting about him? James is gay, and his dad hates that him and I are together. I'm guessing here, but I'm pretty sure that's what he was mad about. He saw James come with me to work and he had already kicked him out of the house so I'm assuming he did it because James is gay. Is that clear enough for you?"

"OK, calm down. We will take care of this imediately. Where was the last place he was seen? Has he been home at all."

"Yeah, the last time he was home was yesterday morning, he never came home though." Mary answers.

"OK, I will keep in touch and if anything important comes up you will be notified. We may have more questions in the future, have a nice day." and with that Officer Jacobs walks out.

A/N: Hey! Sorry I didn't post when I said I was, I was busy and such. I've had drama with two of my friends and I've been busy with that. I will hopefully post another chapter tonight sometime.

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