Chapter 27

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Chandler's POV

I ended up passing out from hyperventilating. I couldn't stop crying, my mom tried to comfort me but that didn't work.


When I woke up I had no recollection of where I was. I try to sit up, but I'm stopped by a couple hands pushing me down.

"Woah, slow down there." I hear my mother's voice say. "You might still be a bit dizzy. Just lay down and I'll get you some water. Okay?" I nod in response.

So many thoughts were running through my head....

'Is James ok?'
'Where is he?'
'Is he dead?'
'Its my fault isn't it'
'I should have gotten there sooner'
My thoughts were interupted by my door opening.

"Here's your water. If you need anything else just ask."

"Where's james?"


"Just fine? Tell me everything. I can handle it."



I just want her to tell me...why won't she tell me?



"Ok! Settle down! James, he tried to commit suicide."

"What!? Why!?"

"He couldn't handle everything that was going on. It was too much for him."

"He could've talked to me" tears start pouring out of my eyes.

"He said he didn't want to drag you into his problems"

"Is he OK?”

"Physically or mentally?"


"Physically, he'll have some scarring but he'll live. Mentally, I don't know. You have to show you'll be with him through everything. It doesnt matter how big or small, you have to be there for him."

"Of course I'll be there for him. Can I see him?"

"Not now, he's sleeping."

"Can I at least sit in his room with him? I want to see his face"

"You have to be silent, but yes you can see him."

I have a huge smile on my face and I run out of the room.



Mom walks out.

"You don't know his room number" she says with a smile.

"Oh, yeah" I face palm myself"

"It's 232"

"Thanks!" I give her a kiss on the cheek before sprinting in the direction of James' room.

When I get to his room I hesitate before going in. I hear three voices. Two girls and a guy.

I walk in and immediately recognize the girls.

"Samantha!? Sophia!? What are you guy doing here, and who's that?"

"We moved here, and we were going to surprise James, but then we heard what happened, we had to come right away...are you OK?" Sophia says.

"Yeah, just shook up from everything. You didn't answer my other question though"

"Oh, sorry." Sam says "This is our cousin Nuno, he is visiting from Portugal."

A/N: Hey! Tori here! How'd you like the chapter? It was a but of a filler chapter, but I liked it. The first character has been know who you are.....XD Anyways...

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