Chapter 24

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Chandler's POV- He's at the stand

"Your James' boyfriend, correct?" The lawyer asks me.

"Yes sir"

"You have witnessed the way Aiden Martin has treated James, and your the one who found James unconscious. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is. I went to the dinner as James told you, and after I got done filming I immediately went to my trailer and found him." It was hard to remember this.

"Did Aiden ever do anything to you?"

"He only called me a faggot a couple times, and he got up in my face at the dinner, but he never physically touched me."

"Ok, thank you. I don't think I have anymore questions for you at the moment. You can step down."

I stepped down and went back in my seat next to James and the twins. The twins have been asleep the whole time which I'm thankful for, I don't want to disrupt anybody.

"Can we have Mary Martin up to the stand?"

Mary's POV

I walked up and sat down in the seat, I go sworn in, and then the part that I am not ready for. James doesn't know the half of what Aiden has done to me.

He doesn't even know he's going to have another sibling.......

A/N: Hey! Tori here! So..... how about that ending? Huh? You like it? My friends might hurt me for this, oh well. Actually I should be scared.....because one of my friends is over now. Uh oh......

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P.S. Sorry it's short, but I am writing another chapter after this one.

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