Chapter 18

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Chandler's POV (Sorry none have been in James' POV, but it will be soon don't worry)

As I walk through the door I see my parents standing there expecting me.

"Hey. What did you need? Mary sounded real worried, she made it sound like something happened."

"Come sit down in the living room." Mom says.

"OK?" I walk into the living room and sit down a bit worried. My parents have never been this quiet and serious. "What's wrong?"

My dad hands me a letter with my name written on the back of it. I look up at him and he motions for me to open it.(They had already read it) I see a few things in there but I grab the letter first not even looking at what else there is in the envelope.

Dear Chandler,

Your probably very confused about what's going on. Assuming on how I know your parents they probably opened the door and won't show you the surprise until you read my letter.

Anyways, moving on. Hello, It's Brianna. Yes, your ex-girlfriend. You are probably very confused, but in this letter I hope to explain a few things, and what's going on.

Firstly, I just want to say I'm sorry I never told you, but I didn't want to ruin your career and it was after we broke up when I found out. I thought I could just keep it to myself and you might find out about it one day, not right now, as you can see we're teenagers.

Secondly, I want to congratulate you. You are a father....... I know shocking right?

Thirdly, your probably wondering 'How?' well, I know how we were always careful, but there must have been complications in the protection and I got pregnant.

Fourth, now here's the big one. You are not a father to just one baby, but two. A boy and a girl, Bentley Xander Riggs, and Selina Quinn Riggs. They are both about a month old.

I tried to care for them, but I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry I am doing this to you, but I know how much you love kids and since there yours I knew you would be able to care for them. It's not that I don't love them, I do, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I just couldn't do it. I hope when they are older you will let me see them. I still have my same number so if you would be so kind in sending me pictures and updates about special milestones, that would be amazing.

Again, I am so sorry I am doing this, I just couldn't handle the stress.


P.S. I put my sonogram pictures, and pictures of when the twins were first born up to this point now.

After I get done reading I realize I had tears in my eyes. I'm shocked, I put the paper down and rest my elbows on my knees and place my head in my hands. All of the information running through my head.

"Chandler?" I hear my dad say breaking me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see both my parents looking at me with a lot of sympathy.

"You OK?" my mom asks softly. I just shake my head and bring my legs up to my chest and start crying. "Oh sweety why are you crying?" she sits next to me rapping her arm around me and putting my head on her shoulder.

"Mom, I just found out I have twins." I say looking up to her. "I'm scared. I'm 16, what if I'm not a good father? I don't know anything about taking care of a baby, let alone two" my voice cracking at the end.

"Don't worry we will all help you; Me, dad, Grayson, even Mary and Jenny. Don't worry about James either, I know he will be extremely supportive. You know how much he loves you."

"Thanks mom, I'm glad everyone's gonna help me. I don't know what I would do if you didn't." I give my mom a very tight bear hug. "Now, where are they?" I now have a huge smile on my face.

"In the kitchen, come on, your dad went in there a few minutes ago." Now we both have huge smiles on our faces.

We walk into the kitchen and dad is holding both of them, like he was just waiting for us to come in.

I walk up to him, "Can I hold them now, you know since they are my children" I say jokingly and with a huge grin plastered on my face.

"Of course." My dad smiles back.

I hold one baby in each arm and I sit down on the huge windowsill we have in the kitchen. I hold each baby out in front of me balanced on my arms so I can see their faces.

I can't believe it, I'm a dad.

A/N: Oh my god! I have never wrote two chapters this close together and right next to each other. I have been wanting to get to this part in he story since the beginning of this story. The idea just popped into my head and it stuck. How do you like the Chanman having twins? Was it surprising? Hope you liked this chapter, I know I did XD

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