Chapter 36

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Chandler's POV

"Jenny! Slow down!" I yell to Jenny as I'm getting out of the car. She's already halfway to the hospital's main entrance.

I soon catch up to her. She stayed at the entrance so we could walk in together.

I grab her hand as we walk into the doors and up to the main desk.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I say to the woman who is behind the desk.

"Yes? How may I help you?" She smiles as she says it, I don't like it either. She's looking at me with lust. Creep much? I just push the thought to the back of my mind and ask her to buzz us in so we can see James.

She lets us in and we make our way to his room. I don't let go of Jenny's hand, she'd end up running ahead and getting lost.

As we get closer to James' room I hear people talking. I look in to see Doctor Carter's back facing me. But he's the only one in the room besides James.

Isn't he?

I tell Jenny to stay behind me as I knock on the door and walk in.

Dr. Carter immediately turns around. The look on his face was not a pleasant one.

He started walk in towards me, and pushing me out of the room.

"W-What's wrong?" I say stumbling back making sure not to trip over Jenny or Delilah. (Yes they know Delilah is a service dog. Just thought I'd confirm that. XD)

"You might want to sit down. I have some news." Dr. Carter says leading the three of us to a bench, Jenny sits on my lap since the bench was two small for three people.

"Is James Ok!?" I ask getting flustered.

"Yes, he's fine, just there have been some complications."

"Complications? What does that mean?"

"Well firstly James woke up, but..." He trails off.

"Wait, he woke up isn't that good? I mean that's amazing, why is there a but? Can we go see him?" I ask as I'm standing up. Dr. Carter grabs my arm and makes me sit back down with Jenny in my lap.

"Yes. He's awake. There's just one thing, he doesn't remember anything, not even his own name. I'm sorry."

"So h-he doesn't remember m-me, o-or the twins, or e-even his whole life?" I look down with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"Nope, I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do but try to have him remember small details and hopefully that will trigger more. I truly am sorry. You can go in and see him if you'd like, he just might not remember you."

"Ok, thank you, for everything."

"What are doctors for?" With that he gets up and walks off.

"What do we do now?" I ask Jenny.

"I guess we gotta see what he can remember."

We both stand up and make our way to James' door, pushing it open slowly.


James puts his focus on us as we walk through the door. I can see he gets a bit uncomfortable, probably since we seem like strangers to him. Hell, we are strangers to him. I just have to have hope, maybe he will remember me or Jenny by some chance.

I can tell that hope is useless, three words crush it.

"Who are you?"

A/N: Hey! Tori Here! How is everyone? Yes, I've finally posted an actual chapter after what seems like years. I think I have made the decision to stop the book in a few chapters and then create a sequel. I know I will definitely somehow create a sequel because I love this story and I want it to last a bit longer. I don't know how I'm gonna go through with all of this but I'll find a way. I hope you guys liked this chapter and...

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