Chapter 11

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James' POV

As soon as Chandler left I decided to lay down and take a nap.

About 15 minutes later I heard someone walk in the trailer.

"Sorry Chandler isn't here at the moment."

"Oh I'm not looking for chandler" I hear that deep voice I wish I wasn't hearing while alone.

"D-Dad what are you doing here?" I ask with major worry in my voice while shooting up from my spot and turning towards him.

"Oh I'm here for you James" he says with a creepy grin on his face.

"What do you mean?"

He didn't say anything, he only slowly creeper over to me. I slowly started backing up until I hit the wall.

"Come on dad we can talk about this..." I get interrupted.

"No! After I'm done with you, you won't be able to speak." He continues to walk to me.

Before I knew it he was right in front of me almost touching. I feel a large stinging on my cheek, and I realized my dad slapped me. And I swing my arm up to hold my cheek thinking it would help.

Dad slaps me again and again and again. Then he starts punching me and kicking me after I fall to the floor. I feel so numb, I wish Chandler was here to save me like he was the first time. At that dinner if Chandler wasn't there then I probably would have gotten beat then too.

Blood was going everywhere and before I knew it every thing went black.....

Chandler's PV

I was done filming so I rushed back to my trailer.

I didn't want to leave him at first because of his dad being here but I had to it is my job after all.

Once I got into my trailer I didn't see James, so I thought he was in the bathroom. So I started walking towards the bathroom to knock on the door when I see something laying on the floor on th other side of the couch. I looked closer and saw tons of blood. I couldn't see what it was so I rushed over and flipped them over. I wish I wouldn't have.

It was James....

I screamed so loud because of how badly beaten he had been. I guess I was too loud because someone heard me and rushed into my trailer.

It was Andrew (Rick) "Chandler what happened?" Then he sees James and runs over too me. "What happend?" He said with tears in his eyes.

"I-I-I d-don't k-know. I-I j-just w-w-walked in a-and h-he w-was l-like t-this." I stuttered out sobbing.

"Ok we have to call 911 but don't move him he could have a broken neck." Andy says

I just nod not able to move or say anything.

"I don't have my cellphone on me I'm going go run and use someone else's ok?"

I just nodded again. Then Andy left.

Please James, please be OK....

A/N: Please don't hurt me! I know this may make you mad, but trust me I have my reasons. I may post the next chapter today or tomorrow, it depends on if I have time.

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