Chapter 25

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(This story is at 2k reads!!! Oh my god thank you guys so much!! I decided instead of making an author's note for this I am going to give you guys a chapter! Sorry, had to put this at the beginning XD now here's the chapter...)

Mary's POV

"So, Mary. We have information that Mr. Martin has abused you. Is this correct?"

"Y-yes, it is."

"Can you tell me exactly what he did to you?"

"W-Well everytime he got angry, sometimes drunk, he would attack me and.......a-and sometimes h-he would......rape me...." I started tearing up.

"What!?" I hear, who I'm assuming is James, yell.

"Sir please sit down" the judge said. James didn't listen.

"What do you mean he raped you!?" James yelled,I knew I shouldn't have said anything with him here, but I had to.

"James please settle down, or you'll be forced to leave" I tell him trying to calm him down.

"James come on sit down." Chandler stands up and gets James to sit down. You could just see how angry James was.

"When did all of that start?" The lawyer asks after James sits down.

"It was right after James had told us he was gay. He said that it was my fault James turned out this way." I turned to James. "Its not your fault, don't think that it is in anyway your fault. Your father couldn't comprehend it and that was the only way he thought he could cope with his thoughts"

James' POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, to think that I wouldn't blame myself. I don't care what she says, I won't listen to her.

"What a bullshit excuse." I stand up.

"Excuse me?" Mom asks me.

"You really think im gonna believe that it's not my fault?"

"Sir sit down." The judge asks for the third time since we've been here.

"I'm sorry, but I am not going to sit down until I know something."

"What would that be. It can be counted as a proper question if I believe it will help the case." The judge says.

"How many times?"

"What?" Mom asks confused.

"How many times did he rape you?"

She just looks down at the ground.

"Answer me!" My voice gets louder. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Gina and William comforting Jenny who was crying. I hope it's not because of me.

"22 times" she answers after a minute or two.

"What!? Did I just hear you correctly!?"

"Yes, I said I was raped by your fath-" I interrupt her "No! That man, is not my father!"

She looks to the ground after I say that. "I am also pregnant"

"What!? Oh, I am so done." With that I get up and walk out.

A/N: Hey! Tori here! It's been a couple days hasn't it? Oh well, at least I updated! XD How'd you like the chapter? Do you think James acted appropriately, or overreacted? I know I'm a couple days late, but yeah! We hit 2k reads on I think Monday. And yes, I said 'we', it's because I wouldn't have the motivation to write this story with out all of the support I have. Just thank you guys so much. I love you all.

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