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The Jones' family were rather extraordinary. A large family split between both American and Italian heritage. Ally's mother, Rosa DeLuca, came from Southern Italy to Brooklyn, New York during the first World War. As an Italian immigrant, the first thing she had set out to do was create a steady home. By 1915, Rosa had married an American doctor by the name of Harold Jones.

Harold Jones was an exceptionally smart man. Unlike the poor Irish immigrant parents of Steve Rogers, Harold had come from a very wealthy family. By becoming a local doctor and a well-known scientist, Harold had made it possible to raise four children during the Great Depression.

Jovian, Alchemy, Kepler and Nicolaus Jones were named after something their father had grown to admire in scientific achievements or discoveries. All children lived up to their parents' expectations, all equally intelligent and undeniably gifted with their looks. Although Jojo chose to become a trophy wife (Jovian Jones' story is not at all what it seems to be in the end), Ally became much more infatuated with the history of medicine, taking classes to become like her father. Nico and Kep were still young enough not to worry about the future, even though Kep wanted to join the army.

As Bucky and Steve had discovered after many long years of knowing Ally, she was mysterious. It wasn't in a way that made her obvious, she didn't know she was as mysterious as she came off. She was insubordinate but tameable. What made her so interesting was that she never seemed to be mysterious, wanting that attention would of given her away as a fraud. Truly mysterious people have no such desire, their motives remain hidden and hence the allure. They are kind but don't form emotional attachments often, though when they do they can be counted on to be truly heroic.

Ally almost belonged, but not quite. She dressed in chiffon dresses like all the other women and wore an apron as she helped cooked dinner. Her hair was curled into tight ringlets, but something about her eyes was just bookish. Like inside that persona was someone else, ready to jump out. Her personality made her rather boyish at times and when those times happened, she was scolded.

Kep came zooming up the stairs with Nico chasing him behind, running through the kitchen like a wild animal.

"Kepler!" Rosa shrieked, lifting the bowl of pizza sauce over her head so he wouldn't knock it over. "No running in the house! Questi bambini saranno la mia morte!"

"Oh mama," Ally shook her head, wiping her floured hands on her apron. "Boys will always be boys."

"Kepler is a man bambina," she leant over and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I'll get that pizza in the oven before James and Steven arrive, go find your father."

Ally found her father in his study, focused intensely on his small chemistry set in the back of the room. His spectacles were positioned at the tip of his nose as he leant over to record his observations.

"Father?" Ally called out, causing him to drop his pen.

"How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?" he grumbled, returning to his notes. "There could have been an explosive chemical in my hand."

"But there wasn't, and we are still alive." she grinned innocently. "Dinner is going to be ready soon, Bucky and Steve are on their way."

"Ah yes," Dr. Jones took off his glasses. "I like those boys, they are good boys."

Ally looked down at her shoes, a dark shade of pink covering her cheeks. Ally was usually never seen blushing, she was always stoic, in charge and annoyingly self assured. So when her father saw the pink in her cheeks, he knew something serious was afoot. He opened his mouth to say something but was silenced by the sudden knock at the door.

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