15. Careful What you Wish For

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The sun on my face woke me up. It took me a second to remember where I was. But the body pressed up against my back quickly brought it back. Damon had his arm around me and was still asleep. As quietly as I could I moved his arm and slid out of bed. I quickly pulled on my jeans and bra, but had a bit of trouble with my top. The trouble being that it had been ripped in two the night before.

"Sorry about that."

I let out a little shriek at Damon's voice at my ear. I hadn't even realised that he had woken up, never mind that he was standing right behind me. Once my heart rate returned to normal I took a step back from him, taking in his naked body. Nice...

"Sorry about what?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Ripping your shirt. Patience was never one of my strong suits."

I shrugged, "It's cool, I just hope you have a shirt I can borrow."

He sauntered over to a chest of drawers, completely unbothered by his nakedness. I couldn't help but stare. Hell, I'm only human. I don't know why, but I found that thought funny and I let out a little giggle. He turned to me with a black shirt in his hands... seriously, was everything he owned black... and threw it to me. I quickly pulled it on and watched in silence as he got dressed.

"I need coffee!" I announced heading out of the bedroom, "I don't suppose you have any?"

He was suddenly in front of me again, "Of course we have. Why wouldn't I?"

Well how was I supposed to know that, it's not like it's often I'm in a vampire's house... and there's a sentence I never thought I'd say seriously. With that he headed down in front of me. I followed behind him, replaying the night before in my head. I had needed that so bad, I smiled to myself... and smacked right into Damon's back, he had stopped suddenly on the stairs.

"Hey... what's wrong?" I asked him.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Damon snarled, not even looking at me.

What was who doing here, what was he talking about? Faster than my eyes could follow he took off, and seconds later I could hear raised voices coming from the living room. I ran as quickly as my human legs would bring me, following the voices. I could hear Elena and Caroline now, it sounded like they were pleading with someone. I ran into the room,

"Damon, what's wr..."

I froze to the spot, all the air left my lungs. There, leaning against the fireplace looking like he hadn't a care in the world, was Klaus. He was smiling, but it was a smile that sent shivers down my body... and not the good kind.

Caroline, Elena and Stefan were all standing around the room, their faces filled with worry, Damon's face however... I had never seen a face with so much panic on it. When I entered the room all eyes swung to me and it went quiet for a moment. I laughed nervously, "What's going on?"

Klaus took in my appearance and his eyes flicked from me to Damon, the smile disappearing from his face. I guessed with my bed hair look and the fact that I was wearing Damon's clothes that I might as well have walked in carrying a sign that said 'I've just had sex!'.

Ignoring that, and also ignoring the fact that seeing Klaus made me regret what I did last night I took another step into the room.

"Seriously guys, what's going on?" this time I could hear the anger in my voice. I knew whatever was going on here, had to do with me and I was sick to death of secrets. I wanted to know what it was and I wanted to know now. Of course, I forgot the important rule to that.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Klaus took a step in my direction which seemed to bring everyone out of whatever trance they were in. Damon jumped in front of Klaus,

"Don't do this..." he begged the Hybrid, "I'll... I'll do anything you say... please..."

Klaus continued to look at me as he answered Damon, "Sorry Damon," he sneered, "But after all that's said about me, I am a man of my word. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it."

I could see the anguish on Stefan's face, and the tears forming in the girls' eyes. That was it,

"STOP!" I shouted, everyone was looking at me again. I took a deep breath before continuing. "Look Kluas... or Nik... or whatever, I don't know why you're here, or why you're hurting my friends, but I want nothing to do with it. I'm leaving."

With that I turned on my heel and started to storm out.

"Well, I suppose that's up to you love. Of course if you want to know what really happened to your parents..." Klaus' voice trailed off behind me.

I was no longer in control of my own body as it turned back, "What are you talking about?" My voice came out low and uncertain. He sauntered over to me. Everyone else, like me, seemed frozen.

"I said I would find out for you," he said when he was standing in front of me, looking down into my face. "And like I said to Damon here, I'm a man of my word."

I could feel the fear seeping into every fibre of my body. I couldn't hear anything but him, couldn't see anything but him. In that moment I did not care who he really was or what he had done.

"What do you know?" my voice, barely above a whisper trembled as I asked. I think I heard someone say my name, but I couldn't be sure. There were two people in the entire world, myself and Klaus. He moved closer still, mere inches away from me.

"You were right about it being a vampire attack love. According to the medical examiner, who really should renew his vervain supply, it was a particularly gruesome attack."

I don't think I was even breathing as he spoke, I didn't say a word, I waited for him to continue.

"Yes, I did find out who carried out this heinous crime against you. As a matter of fact, I believe you may have met the vampire responsible for ripping your loving parents throats apart."

"Who..." as I said that one word, part of me thought back to the vampire in the cabin, but some part of my brain, I don't know why... was screaming at me to run away... run away and hide forever.

But I couldn't, all of time had stopped as Klaus leaned his head down, a smile of victory on his lips as his mouth brushed over my ear and he whispered two words. 

"Damon Salvatore!"

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