Waiting for a Fight

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Khalil POV

I sat in English class, bored, while tapping my fingers on my desk. Avery and I sat next to each other, texting chicks in our contacts and looking for another next hit. I know I said I was falling for Keke because she was different and all, but I'm a guy and guys have needs. Needs that I'm sure she wouldn't want to fulfill anytime soon.

I'm probably setting a bad example for my brother and sister by having sex so much, but what they don't know won't hurt em, right? I mean, if I'm using protection, I'm setting a good example and telling them that protection saves them from a lifetime of trouble. But if I'm being a jackass and fucking every girl without a condom, then leaving them to solve possible pregnancy issues to themselves, then I'd be setting a horrible example.

Avery chuckled lightly next to me as he read through a text that Logan sent. I think they're going out because this is the longest he's ever kept contact with a girl without leaving her right after fucking. But he claims he hasn't even touched her in any way, besides hugs she gives him in the halls or whatever.

"She must be special." I whispered to him.

He looked up and smiled. "She's not like these other hoes. I had to fight for her. Maybe she isn't as easy as these broads, but that's something I like. A challenge." he smiled wider.

I shook my head and chuckled. He's never felt that way about a girl and I knew she must've been special for him to like her that much.

"If you hurt her, she'll hurt you twice as hard." I advised.

He nodded with wide eyes. "Boy do I know that! Her last boyfriend cheated on her so she went and broke is XBox, Playstation, and all of his 2K games and GTA V! I love the ladies, but certainly not as much as I love my babies."

I chuckled and shook my head. When Avery says "his babies", he means his video games. He wouldn't risk losing them for his life!

"You're crazy, but I guess that's fair." I said as our teacher, who was talking to our Principal, returned to the classroom.

She quieted us and we did work for the entire period before the bell rings to dismiss us. Avery babbled about how he really liked Logan, a girl on the cheerleading squad who must've stole his heart from the way he's been acting.

"Man," he said as the bell rang, "She's so different from the rest of the girls. She's a challenge. I've never had to fight to get a girl before. I think she's a keeper."

I nodded understandingly and replied, "Then you better fight for her and not break her heart. If she's special, don't ruin it."

He chuckled and scratched his neck, "I'd never hurt her. Of all people, she's the last one I'd ever want to hurt."

I smiled and guided us through the hallways towards our next period class. Nothing new ever happens in our school, no one hates anyone so there's hardly ever any fights. It really sucks. Just once, I wish there was a fight. The only known rivalries there were around here was between Issa Thompson's crew and my crew, but we normally avoid each other due to lack of classes with each other. Besides, knowing his crew, they'd never fight without definite backup around--and if anyone ever fucked with my crew, you'd best believe that I'm kicking someone's ass.

"Come on, just once!" Issa said, leaning against the lockers and attempting to seduce Keke.

I rolled my eyes at his corniness and decide to step in.

"No Issa! I don't even know you like that and I kinda like someone else." she said angrily.

He sucked his teeth and pounded the locker. "Fuck the other guy, Keke. I want you to be mine." he bit his lip and lifted her face to his with his index finger and thumb. "I promise I'll be gentle with you, all I need is one chance."

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