Sums It Up (Part 1)

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Keke POV

"Hol' up. He did what ?!" Julia yelled, angrily.

"He pushed me. It was my fault anyways. I tempted him. He didn't want to talk about things but I kept talking about it and it was angry and couldn't control his temper and...and... It's all my fault."

"No! It definitely is not your fault!" Sanchez said, storming in the room.

"Yes it--"

"Dammit, Keke! It's not your fault. He's putting his hands on you and it's going to end now!" Sanchez snapped. Julia nodded her head in agreement.

"What? No! It's only a one time thing. It won't happen again." I said between sobs.

"That's what they all say!" Sanchez yelled in my face, making the sobs come harder. "Stop being so damn stupid and leave him already before it gets worse. Stop defending his abusive ass!"

I was at Julia and Sanchez's house explaining to Julia about the events that happened thirty hours ago. I was in Julia's room telling her everything but I guess Sanchez heard and had to put his input in. Besides, it's not like it's going to happen again. I knew Khalil. He wasn't like that.

"Josue, calm down. Go get some water, kay?" Julia said in a soothing voice, calmly resting her hand on his strong biceps.

He glared at her and huffed. He walked out and slammed the door.

The room was quiet and the tensions in the air were very much present. Julia stared at me awkwardly as I choked back the rest of my tears, not wanting to look weaker than I already was.

"Keke, it's okay to cry. I won't judge you."

I sighed and shook my head before standing up. "No. Josue's right. I gotta stop being stupid. It's his fault and I'm gonna march over to his house and demand an apology." I threw on my confident face and gave a deep sigh. "I will not be his Tina Turner."

"You go girl!" Julia yelped. "Go put him in check!" She snapped her fingers for dramatic effect. "Then call me with details."

I nodded confidently and made my way out of the Sanchez residence and on my way to Khalil's home. I didn't know how I was going to word my opinions or anything else of that sort, but I knew that once I got there, I couldn't show any weakness or he wouldn't take me seriously. If I wanted to cry or scream or show any type of emotions, I had to show them now before my thirty minute walk to Khalil's home was over.

A half hour was long enough for me to let all my emotions and feelings out and for me to clear my mind of the miscellaneous thoughts clouding my head.

Various things went through my thoughts, such as the events that took place nearly two days ago. I couldn't believe he put his hands on me when Khalil was my boyfriend. His only jobs in the relationship were to love and protect me. My only jobs were to cater to him and provide love and affection. Other than that, the rest of our jobs and roles were naturally there and stood there from our relationship as friends.

Another thing going through my mind were the nights he'd come to my house beat up and cold with his brother and sister. He had a nice home from what I've seen in previous encounters and visits. Why would he leave in the middle of the night to someone else's house?

He was always so distant during those certain visits. If he came over after school he'd be chill and laid-back, but during the night visits he was always tense and I could sense the bad vibes I was getting.

Before I knew it, I was standing at the front door of Khalil's home. The big, wooden door with a crystal like window stood tall in front of me with a nice, white doorbell next to the doorknob. The wind blew westward and my hair flew along with it. The nervous feeling in my stomach that I usually got around Khalil's uncle came back and made my cramps come along with it. I suddenly felt like this was all a mistake and that I should've went home and lied to Julia about the events about to take place or that I should've kept my mouth shut and not tell the story in the first place.

I sighed deeply and shut my eyes before raising my right fist and calmly knocking on the big, mahogany door.

A few seconds passed before the sound of rustling is heard from the opposite side of the door. I became uneasy in my feet as the sound of the door unlocking is rushed and the door is opened. Behind the slightly ajar door is a shirtless Khalil with black and red plaid patterned pajama pants. His nicely toned abs practically glistening with the sunlight reflecting off of them and his plump lips were in the pouting position to indicate that he was awakened by my knocking. He rubbed his eyes and looked me up and down before stepping aside and gesturing for me to enter.

I deeply sighed and stuck my chin up and walked into his house. It always gave me the welcoming feeling and made me feel warm; that is, when his uncle wasn't around.

"Hey, Babe. What's up?" Khalil yawned before leaning in to peck my cheek. I quickly dodged his kiss only to receive a confused look on his face.

"What did I do?" he asked.

I deeply inhaled and took in my environment. A brown, suede loveseat was placed on the short end of the mahogany coffee table. A three seated couch was on the long side. The fireplace was empty of fire and firewood. The floors were neatly swept and the curtains were open to allow the sun's rays to beam into the house and give off a happy vibe.

"I came to talk in all seriousness." I simply stated, definitely not wasting time to beat around the bush.

"What happened?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but find myself at a loss for words. How would I word things? "Hey guy, don't touch me or I'll chop your dick off!" seems a little too harsh but it matched the feelings I had at the sight of him and the remembrance of our last encounter.

"Two nights ago..." I started but slowly trail off. "You pushed me. I felt hurt."

His eyes slowly widened as he remembered the altercation.

"Keke, I'm so sorry. I really meant it when I apologized. Please forgive--"

"I don't care." I said, raising my hand for silence. He silenced and listened.

"I don't want you putting your crusty hands on me anymore. Especially if it's gonna hurt me." I started off. "Trust me when I say I have people who will fight you for this. Kyle's pissed at you but I got him to leave you alone for as long as I can. Just remember that as quick as it was for you to get me... I'll leave even quicker."

He nodded and I continued. "I want to be with you but if I feel like I'm going to be your punching bag, then I have to go." I chocked back my oncoming tears and sighed.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Babe. I promise it'll never happen again." he reassured. I nodded and responded with "I know it won't."

"If it does," I said with a cocky smirk, "you're gonna see a side of Kyle that I'm sure you'll hate."

Khalil nodded and hugged me. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't thinking and was holding everything in." I nodded in understanding and he continued. "I really care about you and things aren't going good for me lately. I promise I'll have more self control next time." I smiled and nodded.

He leaned down and pecked my cheek. I, however, liked the feeling of his warm lips on mind. Our lips moved in sync with each other as a new warm feeling in my tummy aroused with the old, nervous feeling leaving. His hands found their way to the arch of my back and then further down to my hips. Just when things got more heated, the door was heard opening, followed by a man slurring his words.

"W-what the f-fuck?" he said. We quickly turned to see Khalil's uncle balancing himself on the wall and holding a glass bottle of liquor in his hand and sipping from it.

What yall think ? CLIFFHANGER !!!!!! :O Anyways... I gotta piss so byeeeee. ♥


~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~



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