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Khalil POV


I stared at the girl I thought left my life for good and couldn't believe my eyes. After all the shit I put her through, here she was at the hospital seeing me.

Then, I started to wonder if Deja told her what happened yet. About me and Logan. Me calling Keke a bitch. All the stuff that went down last week when Deja and Logan and Julia came to see me.

"What're you doing here?" I nervously asked. I still can't believe she came to see me. What was she here for? I already hurt her enough.

"I... I wanted to talk. You weren't home and your mom brought me and Kyle here."

"Who the fuck is Kyle? You moved on already!" Jealousy took over me for once and I wanted nothing more than to jump out of bed and outside to find whoever the hell Kyle was.

He sounded familiar but I didn't know if he was some random dude or not.

"Kyle's my cousin." She said, suddenly emotionless. "Anyways, I have something important to tell you and--"

"I'm sorry." I cut her off. "I'm sorry for being a jackass and everything I did to you. I didn't want us to get this far and ... and I lost my temper. If you're here for an apology, there you go. Sorry for shoving you so roughly and making you cry multiple times. Most of all, I'm sorry you're so clueless in figuring out by now that I don't like you. So, if that's what you wanted, there you go. Feel free to leave like ... now."

After my very heartfelt apology, I looked up to see Keke wiping her eyes and sniffling. I really felt bad because well.. I didn't mean most of what I said. I was sorry for everything I did to her, even cheating but she'll never know that, but I didn't want her around anymore. I didn't use her if that's what you're thinking.

Before, my feelings for her were real and genuine. I did like her before. I really did. But now, I didn't. I know she thinks I'm doing this because I don't want her around my uncle, but even with his crusty ass in jail I was still going to stay broken up with her.

She knew too much and I don't want history to repeat itself and for Keke to end up like Stacey.


I'd woken up from my unconscious state after another fight with my uncle. My head was killing me and my body ached badly. I vaguely remembered the night before besides the fact that I had gotten into another fight with Uncle Travis after having drunk sex with Logan. Yes, I got drunk and had sex with Logan. In fact, she was sober and really good at riding...

Anyways, I noticed I was covered in something sticky and thick. The side of my face was damp and oozing red blood. I looked in the mirror to see myself covered in blood. I noticed a couple bruises and scratches on my skin and automatically thought I was bleeding somewhere.

I felt around my body for an open wound and found nothing besides more blood. Only, it wasn't my blood.

I looked around for where it was coming from. I found a pool of red liquid surrounding my girlfriend.

How did she get here? I asked myself. I immediately rushed to her side and felt around for a pulse. I couldn't find one. I began panicking.

She's not breathing. I began weezing. She's bloody and not breathing. I couldn't control myself. Did I kill her?

I felt around for my phone and quickly dialed 911. After a few rings, I got an answer.

"911, what's your emergency?" a woman answered in a monotonous voice.

"Hello? Lady? I need help."

"Sir, calm down. What's going on." she replied calmly. How can she be so calm at a time like this? How. How. How bitch how?

"I woke up and found m-my girl-girlfriend... I think... I think she's.... dead."

The woman on the other side simply sighed and asked for my location. "Is she breathing, sir?"

"Obviously not if I just said she's fucking dead." I hissed.

"Sir, I'll need you to remain calm." she said.

I rolled my eyes and told her my address before she said thank you and informed me that a squad car would be here in a bit. I thanked her before quickly hanging up and calling Sanchez and T.J.

"Hello?" T.J answered.

"T.J? Yo. Put... Put Josue on."

"You call my fucking phone for Sanchez. Fuck off, dickwad." He said before hanging up.

I rolled my eyes yet again and called Logan. She answered quickly.

"Couldn't stay away from me could ya?" she answered.

"Shut up, slut. It's an emergency."

I could sense her rolling her eyes. "What is it Khalil?"

"It's Stacey... I think she's dead."

Logan laughed sarcastically. "That's so funny. Now what is it?"

"Listen bitch, I'm fucking serious. I just found her lying here... She's bloody and not breathing and I'm scared as shit."

"Wait, you're... you're serious?" Logan asked shakily.



Keke looked at me and frowned. "You can't be serious.."

I sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry, Keyandra... But I don't think we'll work out."

She scoffed and shook her head. "Why am I even bothering? It's not like you cared.."

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

"I know, Khalil." She laughed, "I know you cheated."

A lump formed in my throat and I gasped.

"Who told you?"

"Terrence told me. He told me you cheated most of our relationship."

I sighed. "I'm--"

"Don't say you're sorry, Khalil, because if you were you wouldn't have cheated in the first place." She cut me off.


"Save it. It's not like whatever we had was real... If it was, I would be hurt.. But I expected it."

I furrowed my brows and tilted my head. "You expected me to cheat?"

"Yeah... I did.. I just hope the bitch you cheated on me with was worth it because while you fucked some loose pussy hoe, you lost the best thing you'll ever get."

I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"And what's that? You?" She nodded. I laughed. "Ha! I wouldn't consider a hoe to be the best thing I ever had."

"How am I a hoe? I never cheated and I'm a virgin!" She scoffed. "Whatever, Khalil. Just know that you can keep your STDs and dirty hoes. Just don't come crying to me when your small dick burns when you pee."

With that, she walked out leaving a thick air behind. I think she farted on her way out...

Sorry for a short chapter... But here ya go. if I fucked up lemme know in comments. lol. Whadya think ???






~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~


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