Khalil's House (Part 1)

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Keke POV

"Why?" he asked. I could sense his nervousness and annoyance. Even with him stalling and being rude, I feel the need to go see him. Why? I don't know. I can help but feel the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I was scared, honestly, to see him for the first time in what seems like forever but was really almost two weeks. I know he misses me almost,  if not more, than I miss him and I won't let us go through this awful separation again. Especially now that I know what's going on in his home. I don't trust Khalil alone anymore. I'm scared for not only Gina and Gavin, but for him as well.

Maybe it's normal since he is my best friend and boyfriend, but I can't help but feel stupid for being so oblivious to the obvious signs and so ... bad. I felt like a bad friend honestly. How could I not know the signs?

"Open the door. I don't have the patience to deal with your shit right now." I snapped. It wasn't purposely. It's just that I can tell we'll get nothing done if I keep letting him push me around like he's been doing for the past week or so. I've been worrying about him way too much to let him be a jerk towards me.

I knew he knew I meant business by my sudden change in attitude and my use of profanity. I never use profanity around him. I don't really find it to be ladylike.

"It's unlocked." he said in a softer tone that almost sounded like he was desperate for me to change my mind.

No duh, Keke. He doesn't want you seeing him so down.

I hung up the phone and walked up the steps to his house. I opened the door and made my way around the house until I was able to find his room. I never got a chance to go into his room before. We usually stayed in the living room.

I took notice in how his room looked before anything else. Located on the left side of the hallway with a bit white door in general, I twisted the knob and walked in. Khalil lied in the big, king sized bed bed adjacent to the window. His TV was at the foot of the bed and a computer desk was located near the head of the bed. His closet was behind his TV and Snapbacks hung around the room. It was clean for a guy with minimal clothes on the floor. His Jordans were lined up neatly on the floor, each shoe with its pair. It was a cozy room in general.

My eyes wondered towards Khalil, who lied in the bed with his hand over his face, blocking my vision from getting a good view at his face. From what I could see, though, his left eye was swollen and his lip was busted. I noticed a couple new bruises on his arms and cheek torso along a couple scratches and scars on his torso. The sight brought tears to my eyes but in fear of stressing Khalil out more than he already is, I wiped my eyes quickly and choke back my sobs. I cleared my throat and watched as he moved his arm from his face and reveals himself to me.

His nose looked bruised along with the rest of his face and I suddenly felt an even bigger knot in my throat and in the pit of my stomach.

"K - Khalil?" I choked.

He sighed and sat up. He threw his feet over the bed and pat and empty space next to him I ran and fill in the vacant spot before burrowing my face in the crook of his neck and letting out all my sobs.

Seeing Khalil in this condition broke my heart. He looked so beaten and lost. I could see the desperation in his eyes and it made me wonder how he managed to keep this from his mother. Hadn't she noticed the new bruises and his face?  How could this all slide past her so easily? Or did she have suspicions but failed to do something about it? Did she know and not care? Or did she do something but not much changes occurred? All these questions rambled through my mind and yet none of them had valuable answers.

Khalil's hand rubbed circles in my back. The sobbing went on for what felt like an eternity until it died down and I finally had enough courage to stare into the eyes of my beaten and abused boyfriend.

His brown eyes held so much emotion, it was scary. I could pick out fear, anger, self pity, sadness, and many many more.

The only thing on my mind now was if he was okay.

He sighed and shook his head as if he read my mind.

"I'm so sorry." was all I could choked out.

He sighed again and wrapped me in a hug. I take in his scent and closed my eyes.

I knew this...this right there...was probably only the beginning of a long journey between the two of us.

"Lil," I sighed. He nodded as a way to tell me to continue. "I know you don't want my help," I truthfully said, "but I'm here now and I'm not gonna stop until I know you're safe" I bit my lip nervously.

He smiled and placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. "I know." he chuckled. "Damn, you're too stubborn for your own good."

I chuckled and nodded my head. "Only for the guy I love." I smiled. I watched as he blushed and bit his lip.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he backed away from me.

"Did you just say..."


~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

The Eyes Tell Lies (Khalil Underwood Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now