Be Mine

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Keke POV

        The day of the funeral was the day I was most reluctant to get out of bed. I didn't want to go to the funeral for Khalil only because I  knew if I did, I'd be saying good-bye to Khalil. I couldn't say good-bye to the man that I loved forever. I didn't want to see the undertakers bury him into the ground. I didn't want to see Khalil's body just ... there in a coffin that he didn't belong to be in.

Although I didn't want to go to the funeral, nor did I want to speak at it, I did. Not for myself, not for Khalil. But for his mother. His mother, who was one of the strongest women I'd ever meet, was breaking down and becoming weaker and weaker as time went on. I couldn't let her down at the time she needed me most. I was tired of letting people down at the time when they needed help the most. I was tired of being a let down and a screw up. I was tired of it all.

After today, I planned on crawling into my bed and never leaving it again. I planned on never speaking to anyone ever again. I planned on being all alone. Just me and my memories of Khalil would get me through the day. I was going to isolate myself even though it wasn't healthy. I didn't care. I didn't care about my health because Khalil wasn't with me to get me through the day. I wanted to be with Khalil at this point.

"Keyandra, get dressed please." My mom sighed at the door-frame. "I know you don't want to go to the funeral, but you were asked personally to speak. Think about that please. Do it for Khalil."

My mother and father have never met Khalil, mainly because they were always working and if not, they were cleaning the house we were supposed to be living in. I still don't understand what the long wait was for. It should've been done by now.

"I am dressed." I mumbled. She sighed and shook her head. "You're not going to the funeral in Hello Kitty pajamas."

"Mom, what do you expect me to do? Wear that fancy dressy crap that you always make me wear to funerals? I've outgrown that long ago."

She sighed and I guess she gave up on the argument. She left and instead of returning with something for me to wear, Aunt Gina came to talk to me.

Aunt Gina, who'd met Khalil before, took a seat at the foot of my bed holding a pretty black dress far too small for her. She sighed and looked at me with puffy eyes. Her and Khalil got along fabulously.

"Keyandra, I know I didn't know Khalil as well as you did, but I want to go to the funeral with you. I'm sorry for all of this, I really am. You shouldn't have to go through this." She said, not allowing that one tear that I noticed was trying to escape to fall from her eyes. "I love you so much and I won't allow you to throw yourself into a pit of depression."

I sniffled at the thought of Khalil.

"I love you far too much to let you not go to your boyfriend's funeral."

Ex-boyfriend since technically, Issa was my boyfriend.

"Now, there's three young men and a young lady at the door waiting for you to come so they can ride with you in the limo to the funeral home. Now, I suggest you get up and go and not let anybody down because I know how much you hate letting people down. And look, here's a beautiful dress that Logan dropped off with a nice note attached." She smiled and left the dress on my bed before kissing my head and walking out the door.

I picked up the dress and read the note.

Dear Keke,

I'm sorry for everything I did. I lied to you about sleeping with Khalil. I did know.... It was me. I regret it now that I see how much you mean to him and how much he means to you. If only I didn't get involved with your relationship. Don't worry about telling Avery, I already did. He didn't take it well but I guess that's what I should expect, right? Well, I oughta go before this paper gets more tear stained. P.S. This is the dress you bought me to wear for my date with Avery. I hope you can fit it better than I can because I don't feel the same when wearing it. But I'll see you at the funeral and we can talk after. Bye,

The Eyes Tell Lies (Khalil Underwood Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now