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Khalil POV

Hospitals are boring. The doctors ran all the necessary tests on me and now were giving me a couple more days before I could leave. My mom was back at work and right after, she was going to come visit me with Gavin and Gina.

Right about now, Keke would be in lunch with her slut friend and the others. Is it weird that I know her whole schedule? I don't think so...

Why do I feel so weird when I think about her? It's like I automatically feel happy when her name is even mentioned. I don't know what it is about her that makes me feel so happy.

I know the way I'm feeling is wrong now that I completely pushed her away and fucked up, but would you believe that I really do love her?

I doubt anyone would. It's weird that I think this way, but I really want her back. I felt like a completely different person when I was with her. She was someone who actually made me happy. For the first time in a long while, I was truly happy and had a reason to keep on living. Even with my life being a living Hell, all I needed to do to be happy was stare in Keke's eyes and look at her gorgeous smile and my heart would melt. She was that precious.

She was like a piece of fine china that I was afraid to touch in fear it'd break. She was that beautiful. Her personality was unique. I'd never seen such a selfless person or a thoughtful person ever in my life. I'd never met someone so beautiful in my life. I loved her.

It was then, when I was sitting in the white hospital bed, that I realized that I, Khalil Underwood, was in love with Keyandra Wilson.

She was my flower. My rock. My sun. My angel. My girlfriend. My love. The love of my life.

Now that she wasn't mine, I was disgusted with myself. I should've treated her right. I should've been a good boyfriend to her. Instead, I abused her and made her feel like shit.

I don't even know why I did it, but I did and now I regret everything. I was the worst boyfriend ever.

"Khalil, time for your lunch." the nurse said, interrupting my thoughts.

I reluctantly nodded and adjusted my body to eat the nasty gunk they call food.


After a while of basic cable and lonesome thoughts, I was beginning to think that nobody would come visit me for the day. So far this week, I only had one visiter and she was my mother. I doubt anyone told Avery where I was because he would've came to visit me by now, but since he hasn't I doubt he'll find out until later.

There standing at the door was an exhausted looking Keke. To be honest, I was shocked to see her standing at the door, but even more shocked to see her standing there with Issa Thompson.

"Hey?" I hesitantly greeted them. I was pretty nervous, honestly. I had a strange feeling that I would get into an argument with Issa and in my condition, I wasn't exactly in shape to fight someone like Issa.

Usually we were hand in hand, around the same height and strength so sometimes we won and sometimes we lost. It was fair game actually

"Hey, Khalil." Keke croaked. She closed her eyes and sighed before looking at Issa for reassurance. He nodded and pushed her closer to me gently.

"Since when did you two become friends?" I asked.

"Since we started talking." Keke said, sassy. Someone grew a pair of balls.

"Since when?" I asked again.

"Since I talked to her, damn. Now shut the fuck up." Issa groaned. I stared at him questioningly while Keke looked at him and smiled.

"Anyways," she said, "I wanted to talk to you about something..." She fiddled with her fingers, a small habit I noticed she had when she was nervous.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Me and Issa..." She swallowed and bit her lip, "We're sorta .. kinda .. dating."

"W - what?" I don't think I heard her right. Did she really say they were dating? We just got out if a relationship barely two weeks ago. Was it normal for someone to get into another relationship so fast? I didn't think it would be possible. A part of me, although I easily played it off like I was happy for her with a fake smile plastered on my face, hoped their relationship failed miserably and that Issa cheated on her and hurt her worse than I did. Is that mean?

"I just thought I'd let you know..." she nervously said.

"Why would think that?" I asked.

"I dunno." she shrugged. "You used to be my best friend and I just kinda thought that it'd save more drama if you found out from me instead of Avery or someone else."

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Okay. Well, I'm--"

"I'm sorry for telling you in the hospital. Kinda sucks." She sighed.

I nodded and crossed my arms.  "It's fine. Just go.." I sighed. She opened her mouth to speak but thought against it and walked hand in hand with Issa out the door.

After they left for good, I couldn't hold the tears in. I know that usually, the girl was supposed to be the one to cry, but seeing as I was weak emotionally and physically, I couldn't hold it in. I let all the tears out onto the white sheets I was forced to be in.

As time progressed, all I could manage myself to do was replay the previous scene in my head and that usually led to my eye stinging and me to blink the tears back.

My nurse came in a while after to check my IV Machine. She replaced the water bag and left to get my dinner. After being visited by Keke and Issa, my whole mood changed. I was no longer hungry and for some reason, I was Draking all day long. Completely sensitive to everything somebody said and reminded constantly that the girl who I loved was now in a relationship with the guy who I hated.

How? How? How bitch, how?

A part of me was left thinking that our conversation might have went much better if Keyandra knew that that was the last time she'd ever talk to me.

OOOOOOOOOOOOHKAY.... Soooooooooooooooooooo Liz is out of the hospital and is doing well. She found out about Cindy, but for now I don't think her brain has processed it. I'm happy for her but sad as well. Anyways, instead of depressing you guys with my life issues, I'll let you guys talk to me. If you or anyone you know and care about are/is in the hospital or going through things, and you need to talk, you can always come to me. I'm open ears and been through a lot so chances are, I know how to help deal with things in a safe and healthy way.

Remember you are all beautiful and mean the world to me even tho I haven't met you. I'm that person.

I love my supporters and readers with all my might. More than I love tacos, and I'm a Mexican. Lol.

Oh, BTW, Shout out to @crazy_mexican for being a Mexican ! MEXICO REPRESENT !

OKAY, Enough babbling. I'll go now.

Adíos !

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~




The Eyes Tell Lies (Khalil Underwood Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now