Secrets Revealed (Part 1)

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Keke POV

"Stacey died... because she loved Khalil."

I felt like the whole world stopped. I felt like crying my eyes out. I couldn't help but wonder how Stacey died. Did Khalil kill her? Khalil's uncle? Suicide? What happened to Stacey?

"H-how?" I choked. I held my right hand up to my mouth while the left hand was clutching onto Sanchez's for dear life. I probably would've passed out if I was standing up. I don't know what it was that kept me interested in Stacey's story. All I know is that I felt like I need to know how she died. Why did she she die?

"That, my dear, we don't know. All we know is that she left a voice message of her and Khalil fighting and posted a video on Instagram before she died. It's all saved on Julia and Logan's phones. They watch it all the time. They cry all the time too. I feel bad for them." Sanchez said.

"Why? What happened?" I urged them on to continue.

"Because Stacey was closer to the two of them than any of us. They were the Three Musketeers along with Deja. They were like Totally Spies when there were four girls instead of three. The four of them did everything together. That's why Logan and Julia are so protective over you. You're an exact replica of Stacey. Behaviour and all." Sanchez explained.

"I always knew there was something about you I liked, Munchkin." T.J. said. "Now I know why."

"Why?" I asked.

T.J. shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "You're just like my baby cousin."

"Who's your cousin?" I asked oblivious.

"Stacey Janae Walker." He said.

"You mean ... Khalil's ex, Stacey?" I asked.

T.J. nodded. "Yeah."

My chest ached now. I felt a pain in my stomach that was far much worse than period cramps. I wanted to cry now and I had a reason. I didn't want to look weak in front of T.J and Sanchez, but then again I was bawling my eyes out an hour ago. I couldn't pretend to be strong now that they've seen me at my weakest point.

"Just cry already." Sanchez said as if he read my mind. I looked him in the eyes and quivered before bawling into his shoulder. His hand just ran circles on the small of my back.

T.J sat quietly in the chair adjacent to Deja's bed and watched. After all the time spent on crying was wasted, I finally found the energy to wipe my eyes and adjust myself.

"I think I should go home." I suggested.

The boys glanced at each other quickly and back to me.

"No!" They said at the same time. The way they spoke simultaneously made me giggle.

In all seriousness, I tilted my head and crossed my legs again. "Why?"

"Because." they simultaneously said.

"Because why?" I asked again.

"Because we said so." they say again simultaneously. I was seriously beginning to get annoyed by their vague answers.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because," the boys said in a mocking voice.

"You're beginning to piss me off." I said.

"Sorry!" They say simultaneously while raising their hands in surrender.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair again. I slouched and looked at T.J. for an answer. He noticed and nodded towards Sanchez.

I looked toward Sanchez for an answer. He sighed and shrugged.

"We're scared you'll go to Khalil's house. Stacey did the same thing." He explained.

I scoffed and shook my head. "Khalil's the last person I wanna see right now. He pisses me off."

"But hey, you gotta give it to him. He's been through a lot." T.J defended.

"What you mean?" I asked with a tilt in my head.

"I mean... he was the one who found Stacey's body. We don't know shit about what happened that weekend, but what we know for sure is he found Stacey's body and called us and the cops. Khalil's been through a lot. Imagine finding your girlfriend's dead body one day and never getting the chance to apologize. Since Stacey died, Khalil changed." T.J explained.

"How did he change?" I asked curiously.

"Since Stacey's death, Khalil was depressed. Never notice the scars on his wrists? I have... Anyways, he didn't want to commit anymore because he thought that committing meant getting hurt. You can't blame him. He was faithful throughout most of his relationship with Stacey and most of his relationship with you. He just finds it hard now. Everyone he loves ends up leaving." T.J say.

"Yeah, since Stacey died, he just goes around fucking girls with no strings attached on because if that's how things are, he won't be one getting hurt." Sanchez continued.

"Khalil's been really fucked up since Stacey. It's hard for him to commit." T.J continued.

"Wait," I scoffed, "Most of my relationship with Khalil was faithful? What's that mean?"

Sanchez shrugged and looked towards T.J for elaboration. I ded the same, my attention suddenly swerving lanes to my relationship with Khalil.

"He cheated on you, Keke." T.J sighed "More than once."

I sat there speechless. I seriously gave my all to Khalil to find out he cheated. I don't know what was worse.. The fact he cheated or the fact that my friends knew and no one told me.

"You knew?" was all I could say.

T.J. nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry, Keke."

"And you didn't tell me." I choked on tears. Sanchez reached for me to comfort but I slapped his hand away. I didn't want either of them to touch me.

"Did you all know?" I asked.

T.J looked to Sanchez and shook his head.  "No.. Only me, Julia, and Logan. Sanchez and Deja had no knowledge."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"I can't believe this... I'm going home."

T.J stood up from the seat he was in to follow before I rejected. "Don't follow me!" I hissed.

"You're not walking home." he said, "I'll drive you."

"No. Let Sanchez do it." I glared at the two of them. "Sanchez let's go."

T.J sighed and took a seat on Deja's bed while Sanchez followed me out the house and towards T.J.'s car. Sanchez got in the driver's seat while I went in the passenger's seat. I leaned my head on the window and slowly closed my eyes.

Maybe it's just the crying I've done all day that made me tired and exhausted. Or it was just that I used too much brain power for one day. Either way, I was tired and terrifyingly sad.


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I know y'all were waiting for this. cx

Secrets Revealed !


LOL. Okay. Bye.

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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