Sums It Up (Part 2)

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Khalil POV

"W-what the f-fuck?" he said, leaning against the wall and drinking from the bottle of Guinness.

Keke turned around to face a side of It. that she's never been introduced to before. It wasn't a side that I ever planned on having her around for. I figured that I'd have a heads up before her visits so I could plan things out, but due to her surprise visit I guess that all the planning I've had done in my head had went to waste because now she's basically face to face with It. and his drunken side. I felt  her tense at the horrific sight of not only It.'s ugly face, but also because the sense of danger was somehow present in the thickened air surrounding us.

"Hello sir. I believe we've met before." Keke said, extending her hand for It. to shake. He glared at her before slapping her hand down and taking another swing of his Guinness.

Keke yelled in a whimper and rubbed her hand. I pushed her behind me and stood protectively in front of her. It. slurred more cuss words and swayed back and forth. He called Keke names such as slut and whore and threatened to beat her if she didn't leave immediately. Worried for her safety and knowing that she could be quite stubborn, I grabbed Keke's wrist and dragged her towards the front door.

I opened the door and pushed her outside. She looked up at me with much confusion. I shushed her and pecked her lips one last time.

"You saw none of this." I whispered in a low voice. She reluctantly nodded and I closed the door gently before slowly turning around.

Just as I faced It., I received a rough slap in the face and I fell over.


Keke POV

What the heck just happened? I go over to set Khalil straight and end up making out with him before getting thrown out. I could sense his uncle's bad vibes when he addressed himself present. It was totally obvious that he was drunk and I could sense and feel the fear from Khalil when he stood in front of me. It was all about body language.

I didn't want to go against Khalil and tell someone what I saw when it was even more obvious that he didn't want anyone to know what was going on.

I just stood at his door confused as to what my next move was. I contemplated whether or not to tell anyone--especially Julia and Sanchez.

Just as I began to walk away, muffled sounds from inside were heard from the other side of the door as well as grunting.

"You. Little. Piece. Of. Shit." I heard Khalil's uncle's muffled voice from the other side of the door. Between each word said, there was another grunt. It didn't take a genius to know that Khalil was fighting. "Where's your sister?" His uncle said.

I couldn't make out Khalil's response but I know whatever he said caused him to receive a loud slap to the face.

"Tell me... Where the fuck his your sister?" Khalil laughed maniacally and said "Check ya mom's place."

I heard another smack and more muffled noises. I felt so bad for standing around and pulled out my phone to record all of this. I figure that if I had evidence of what I heard, Khalil and his siblings would be taken to a better place.

"She's out. She's out." Khalil's voice said. "Stop!"

A loud thud is heard and it's all silent. I could hear coughing and another thud. It's really quiet and I press my ear against the door to hear anymore noises.

"Get your ass up!" Khalil's voice yelled. I'm confused now.

I silently listened before I heard the doorknob jiggle. I gasped and thought quickly about where to go to to hide. I ran and hid behind the big tree in his front yard. My head peaked over and I remembered my long hair was out. I grabbed a barrette and tied my hair in a messy bun before putting my head back out to see Khalil running out the house with the same face I've seen more than enough times before.

A busted lip and swollen cheek. He had some blood dripping from his nose and his knuckles were covered in blood but it was obvious that it was not his.

I gasped at the sight and he stopped running. He looked around and I hid further behind the tree until I heard his heavy footsteps descending.

I looked at the house and then back to Khalil, who by now is halfway down the street. I couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. No wonder Khalil was always distant from me. No wonder he always brought Gavin and Gina over to spend the night. But the only question that still remained on my mind was what was his mother doing about this? Or did she not care?

Things still didn't add up even with the majority of my long unanswered questioned finally answered. Why was his mother not kicking his uncle out? Why was she so oblivious to this? Why was she somehow involved in this? How was any of this possible?

All those questions went through my mind and finally I decided to go back to my house. A house where everything made sense and most likely, Khalil's next destination.

To sum things up as to why I'd arrive after him, I decided to stop by the store and grab a couple things that I knew were needed in our house such as milk, eggs, and sugar. On the side, I picked up some Sour Power Straws and a bottle of Pepsi. I'd run the calories off later, I thought to myself and taking a mental note.

"Eighteen-fifty." the cashier's voice said interrupting my thoughts.

"Dang. A little too much for five items, dontcha think?" I chuckled lightly.

He shrugged and sighed. "You paying for it or not? I got more people waiting."

I scoffed and handed him a twenty dollar bill. He paid me the change and started ringing up the next customer's items.

I walked home and played music, humming the rhythm of the beat.

When I got home, Khalil, as expected, is sitting on my steps quietly sobbing. Wait... SOBBING?

I made my way towards him and lifted his face. I took another examination of his bruised and beat up face. A busted and swollen lip, a bruising cheek with less swelling, and dried blood around his nose. His cheeks were tear stained and he quickly quivered before wiping his eyes.

"I wasn't crying." he mumbled.

I sighed and grabbed Khalil's hands. He followed me as I walked him inside the house. I dropped the bags on the kitchen table and guided Khalil to my bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and sat on my bed. Khalil closed the door and sat next to me. I could see him fighting with himself to not cry, but even I knew that from experience, it's okay to cry.

I wrapped my arms around his body and straddled him. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and let all of his sobs out.

"It's okay to cry sometimes." I soothed.

I know it's a usual routine for me to ask what's wrong, but I know that from experience that that only makes the sobs come harder and the situation is basically glued to the victim's head. I was already heartbroken from seeing him so broken at the moment. If he got worse, I don't know what the hell I'd do.

"N-not f-for m-me!" Khalil breathed out between sobs. "I-I'm s-supposed to c-comfort you when y-you c-cry." I sighed and silently obeyed his unsaid commands to keep quiet. Seeing as that's the only thing that was good for the both of us.

Well ... There ya go. Keke finally finds out. But what shall Keyandra do ?! Will she tell Julia ?? Will she tell Khalil that she knows ?? Will she get dragged further into it ?? Tune in to the next chapter of The Eyes Tell Lies to find out !!

Later Babess ! ♥♡

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~



The Eyes Tell Lies (Khalil Underwood Series #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن