Deja Vu

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Keke POV

Come lunch time, I found myself looking for Deja's table. Seeing as she was the only real friend I've made since I came here, thanks a lot Khalil, I'd rather sit with her and get more acquainted. I mean, obviously we'll spend more time together considering she's Avery's cousin. I spotted her sitting at a table near the far end of the cafeteria. JUST GREAT. Everyone can eye me as I walk across the room to some girl who I barely know. But hey, anything is better than nothing, right?

"Hey, Keke!" Deja called as she spotted me standing nervously near the exit. I shyly shrunk down into the huge sweater I fetched from my locker and become self cautious. What if her friends don't like me? What if she doesn't like me? What if Khalil's mad at me? A whole lot of What If's popped into my head as I was forced to walk across the cafeteria to what I'd assume to be the popular table. Everyone sitting there were absolutely gorgeous. I recognized them as girls who eyed Khalil in the halls before. I even recognized one to be Logan, the girl who has Avery head-over-heels in love with her.

As I approach the table, Deja smiled and nudged the boy next to her. All eyes were on me and it made me feel insecure. I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Guys," Deja said, "this is my friend, Keyandra. Call her Keke. She's new and a loner."

The others let out a quick chuckle before introducing themselves. Logan was the first to stand.

"Hi, Keyandra. I don't think you know me, but I'm Logan." she smiled as I return the gesture.

Logan is a short, light skinned girl with a fair body. Her bum and bust aren't gigantic like most girls want, but they're big enough to suit her. She walked with confidence and her hair was long and brown. She had a big forehead but she showed it off with pride. Her eyes were big and green, it was obvious they weren't contacts.

Next to stand was a Mexican guy who I recognized from my English class. He sat in the far back and never talked to anyone. Most kids avoided him but I never understood why. Khalil said it'd be best to not communicate with him because, like everyone else said, he was crazy. He had greasy black hair that was slicked back like old Greasers in 1980's movies. His wardrobe consisted of a black leather jacket and a black v-neck muscle shirt. He had dark jeans and all black high top Chuck Taylors. He seemed like a cool guy to me and in all honesty, I liked his style.

"Hola, amiga." he winked,  "I'm Josue. Everyone calls me Sanchez."

I smiled and inhaled his scent. He smelled like Axe cologne, typical.

A girl who looked a lot like Sanchez stood and extended her hand for me to shake. She had long black hair and a grey beanie. She wore an oversized gray tank top that had NIRVANA written across the top with a smiley face with X's for eyes below it. She wore dark skinny jeans and black combat boots. She had multiple rubber bracelets on one arm. The other had faint scars traveling the perimeter and I knew she had an interesting history. She, like Sanchez, had pretty brown eyes.

"Hi. I'm Josue's sister, Julia. Nice to meet you." she said with a smile.

"And I'm Terrence Jackson. Call me TJ, I like that name better." said an attractive looking boy from next to her.

He had nice brown eyes and an earring on his right ear. He was about five feet and nine inches, the height of my father, and had perfectly straight teeth. He wore a jean vest over the black t-shirt he wore. He had dark jeans and a pair of black and Vans. He was really really attractive. I couldn't help but to bite my lip at him.

"Whoa, tiger." Julia said, "Watch it there, Keke. TJ here is my boyfriend.

I gasped and felt my cheeks warm up. "I'm so sorry!" I nervously giggled, "I didn't know."

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