Chapter 3: The Asians and Nordics

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Iceland's POV

"Iceland! No!" Finland shrieked as Sweden had a cold and scary aura around him. He stood close to his 'wife'.

"You inconsiderate little brat!" Norway yelled and was about to punch me, however Denmark placed his axe rift in front of him, so he wouldn't do anything.

"Norge, calm down. But Iceland, why are you leaving the Nordic 5?" Denmark asked. I just glared at him.

"It's not the Nordic 5 anymore."

"P-Please, don't leave Ice-Kun! We're family, and I know that we do treat you like a baby, but that's because we care about you!" Finland exclaimed. I shook my head as I headed for the door. I felt a tight grip on my wrist as I saw Sweden.

His eyes pleading, but the rest of his facial expression was emotionless.

"D'n't go, Ic'l'd."

"If you knew how to talk maybe I would," I said coldly as my puffin started to squawk at me. This time, I was serious. I'm leaving the Nordic 5, and I finally had the strength and mind to do it. I'm finally growing up and making my own decisions. I'm independent now, I'm finally leaving that stupid group of weirdos.

I walked along the streets, even the Nordics are preparing for war. I wanted to leave at a time like this, it only seemed right. I was walking around when I took a flight to Asia to see an old friend of mine.


"Yo, Ice-Kun," Hong Kong said and waved as I did the same.

"Hong Kong," I said as a group of people our age was standing behind us.

The names of Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Macau, and South Korea.

"Wait, where's that China guy?" I asked as everyone started to get sort of weird reactions.

"He betrayed us," Japan muttered as I knew it. I held out my hand to Hong Kong, who seemed to be the leader of this group.

"Can I join you guys? We'll be, the rebellious teenager group in the war, I guess," I said. Hong Kong slightly smirked and nodded, shaking my hand.

"It's a deal, dude," Hong Kong said as we both nodded. We let go of the shake as we signed a contract.

In the end, we became allies. We made a base called RT. Rebellious Teenagers. Because, to society, that's what we are. We got ready for the war and ended up working together. Of course, we ended up getting into arguments every once in a while, but that was okay.

I could get along with all of them. Even though, I only knew Hong Kong before. Even so, they all eventually became my friends.


"I can't believe that he left!" Finland exclaimed, sobbing on the couch. Sweden was there to comfort him, including Hanatamago crawling on his lap, who was even whining due to the fact that Iceland was gone. Denmark was in the kitchen, trying to drink away the pain.

I was sitting on the floor, criss-crossed, staring at the door that was still open from when Iceland left. I should have known. The way he was acting when we were preparing for war and everything.

He hasn't called me big brother, which isn't the thing I'm concerned about. But he left us, just like that. He's possibly going through that rebellious teenager phase, but as a country? It could be a big mistake and other countries could take that to an advantage.

Iceland possibly went with Hong Kong, I believe. But if that communist, China, is with them, he's in trouble. But there also might be the possibility the could be with England, too, so that would be a relief.

As the Nordic countries, we used to be one of the happiest countries in the world. Most of the time, we were at peace. But now, every single country will take part in this war, and we would have to put our peacefulness aside.

"N'rw'y," I heard Sweden say. By guess, I could tell that Finland and Hanatamago were with him, too. I didn't bother to turn to them, as I kept looking at the open door.

"He's coming back," I told Sweden.

"H-How do you know? Even if he does come back, the war may last forever!" Finland exclaimed as Hanatamago barked. I shook my head, still facing the door. I fumbled with my fingers, unsure of how to respond.

"T'lk t' D'n," Sweden said, telling me to talk to Denmark. Then again, I could hear sobs from the kitchen. I nodded and got up, leaving my sailor hat there and walked to the kitchen.

I saw that he was crying, like Finland said. He wasn't completely drunk yet, so I could help him, hopefully. I slapped the drink out of his hand before he could drink anymore and grabbed him by the toe, choking him.

"Shape up. You don't see me crying about it. We have a war to prepare for you stupid idiot. If you mess around, your whole country messes around. Do you want that to happen? Do you want your whole population to die?!" I yelled at him in the end.

He frowned and wiped his tears as I let go of his tie, only for him to end up pulling me into a tight hug, his arms around me.

"Ugh...get off me you dumb Anko!" I yelled at him. I could hear him laughing, which I found odd.

"No matter how much you insult me...or how much bullets I'll get in me during the war... I'll protect you. Just, don't leave like Iceland did. As the Leader...of the Nordic 5...," Denmark said as I pushed him away, nodding and rolling my eyes.

"I went through my rebellious teenage phase already. I won't leave the Nordic 5 even if I die," I assured Denmark as he grinned, turning back into his annoying, idiotic self.

"Anko, we're going to win this war. And we're going to get Iceland back."

The War (A Hetalia Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin