Chapter 15: The Prisoners

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Canada woke up, attached to sudden chains and was behind bars, his soldiers nowhere to be seen and only him as a country was in a single prison cell. However, he had handcuffs as he could hear yells from another room and some uncomfortable sounds.

"Where is your base?" A rough voice asked.

"I don't know and vhy vould I tell you?!" A German accent had said. Canada's eyes widened in the realization.

"Prussia..?" He asked in a quiet voice as he cringed at hearing the crack sound of a whip, and a sharp slap, sounding like a high five.

There was more yelling that he did not want to listen to. After about five minutes, he saw the albino unconscious, purple bruises all over his face and his shirt off, cuts on his back that look deep from the whip. Canada closed his eyes and rocked back and forth as Prussia was thrown into the same cell as Canada.

"," Canada said as he could see Prussia before him. It scared him to death with those kind of things done to a country. Canada couldn't imagine, this is the horror that has been going on for the millenniums he lived.

Canada was sitting on the hard, cold floor, rocking back and forth and hugging his knees as if he was going through some sort of syndrome.

After an hour, Canada kept on doing this without stopping, struck in fear.

"Hgn...," he heard Prussia say as his eyes fluttered open. Canada quickly snapped out of his fear and looked at Prussia with eyes of worry. He looked weak, and could barely get up from his lying position. Even so, he could barely talk.

"P-Prussia! Y-You're alive, I was afraid, that you wouldn't make it..," Canada said, trailing off as Prussia raised one eyebrow at the sight of him.

"Birdie?" He asked as a chuckle escaped from Canada's eyes as he nodded. Prussia himself was about to smile, but he himself changed into an expression of worry as he extended his hand to Canada's face.

"Your crying....vhy?"

Canada shook his head and put Prussia's hand back, hating down on his stomach and wiped his own tears. "It's nothing. I was actually hoping to see you, but I wasn't expecting this way, eh?"

Prussia grinned weakly and nodded. Canada sighed and frowned, noticing he was still handcuffed. "I vas not expecting you, locked up in prison."

"Me? Your condition is worse! Don't worry aboot me. Just rest and save your energy, you'll need it as prisoner of war," I said as Prussia nodded. He looked up in the ceiling, staying perfectly still. Because if he moved even a tiny muscle, it would hurt like a thousand knives.

This is one of the worst parts of being a country, being immortal. You feel so much pain as the citizen's pain is all inflicted on you. You feel pain every second, every hour. And even the greatest pain won't be relieved because you won't be able to be put to rest or at peace. You'll just keep on feeling the pain, no matter what.

Canada felt much more relaxed that he was with someone he knew before, that he wanted to catch up on. Canada stared at Prussia and ended up smiling.

"I may not be much, but I can fight in a war to protect, eh?"


"So, you resist Russia, no?" Russia asked and held a metal pipe in his hand, Finland sitting on the ground in anger, his wrists changed

"Did you...did you do anything to my family?!" Finland shrieked as Russia hit him with his pipe is the rib cage, rushing out some of the air from Finland.

"No talking makes it more peaceful, da? Now, your family is, okay! But if you want to be family, we will capture them and torture then like we are doing right now," Russia said as Finland shook his head in utter horror.

"Sweden...Denmark...Norway...they're trouble. They'll beat you," Finland said with a sliver of confidence. Russia started to laugh.

"They got defeated by the Spanish group, part of OC. Pathetic, they could not even fight when they went through with us," Russia said and got Vodka from his desk, drinking it.

"If you capture them, you will pay for it...," Finland said coldly as Russia continued to laugh.

"Who said I was going for the three?"

Finland's eyes were wide in shock. He could remember who left just during the war. He joined the Rebellious Teenagers, and became the leader.

"Ice-Kun..," Finland said softly, a tear running down his cheek. Then two, three, four, as he started to silently cry. "No..."

"Haha! Countries suffering is much different than humans suffering! The one torturing is having much more fun since the victim lasts longer!" Russia said as Finland clenched his fists and grit his teeth in anger.

"You evil-" Finland was cut off by the metal pipe being whacked into his face. Finland even had a tooth knocked out of his mouth as there was a big purple bruise on his right cheek.

"No talking, remember," Russia said in a cold tone.


Finland kept quiet as he looked down as Russia grabbed him by the chin. He was forced to look straight at his face in utter fear, as Russia grinned upon him in an evil way.

"Maybe, I'll put you out of your misery..," Russia said as Finland's eyes widened in shock again, as the metal pipe showed spikes on it. Russia has aimed it at his head as Finland was knocked out cold. The spikes had stuck to his forehead as it was left there. Russia left to his soldiers taking care of the corpse.

This metal pipe, was indeed different from his normal one. The spikes he had was different than what he usually uses.

This metal pipe was different in so many different levels and you had no idea.

This was Russia's weapon used to kill countries.

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