Chapter 5: The Germans

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Germany's POV

"Bruder vhat did you vant to talk about?" I asked as Prussia stood before me with crossed arms. I was already stressed from setting up for war, and having to help Italy since he didn't know a thing. I peeked to look at the people behind him.

Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Hungary.

"Well, we want you to join our team in the war," Hungary said as everyone nodded. Switzerland crossed his arms, looking the opposite direction of Austria.

"Why do I have to be in the same group as him?" Switzerland muttered as Austria scoffed, looking the opposite direction of Switzerland.

"It's not like I want to be in the same team with the likes of you," Austria said, looking at his hands. Prussia sighed, sitting in between the both of them and putting his hand on both of their shoulders.

"Come on, guys. Zhat vas centuries and centuries ago. Kiss and make up?" Prussia asked as Switzerland was red in embarrassment, hitting Prussia with the butt of his peace prize. Prussia collapsed out of pain and fell to the ground.

"I don't understand, I'm in zhe Axis vhy vould you vant me to join?" I asked as Austria pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"Simple enough. Hungary and I did a little bit of research on what was going on. Japan is in a group called RT, standing for Rebellious Teenagers. Italy, can't join us," Austria said.

My eyes widened in shock. Actually, not in shock, but in anger. "Vh-Vhy? He's a veak country and-"

"That's why. We don't need any weaklings on our team. I already taught Liech how to fight," Switzerland said as Liechtenstein nodded, showing that she had a pocket knife in her hands. Switzerland shuddered, which means she's pretty good.

Over the time, everyone had almost, actually changed. Mostly Liechtenstein, if I were to be honest. She looks more grown up, and she even grew back her braids.

"Mr. Germany, um, in history, Italy is a grandson of Rome, who is grandpa Germania's enemy and had been. So, I think that is a reason, to," Liechtenstein said. I sighed and nodded, knowing that Italy may be with his brother and Spain, which probably would be better for him than relying on me.

"Vhat do you say, Vest? In or not?" Prussia asked, getting up from Switzerland's hit as I nodded.

"I'll be vith you. Only because your all my family," I said as Switzerland smirked and nodded, Liechtenstein, had an inviting smile, Hungary got up to shake my hand as Austria stated his normal self.


"Come on Hitler himself could have kill you by now! And he's dead! Move it!" I yelled, training all of the troops for the war.

"Zhis isn't a small var! Zhis is a vorld var!" I yelled as they started to work harder, but it still wasn't efficient enough.

"Zhe stupid Romans are chasing you! Vhat are you going to to now zhat your chap tired at zhat speed!" I yelled at them. Finally, they were at an efficient pace.

Switzerland was still teaching Liechtenstein some tricks. This time, Liechtenstein was using a pistol. And she was excellent at it. No wonder Switzerland's been pushing her this far, she's turning into an independent girl.

Hungary, of course, excelled in her weapon choice. Sword, machine gun, or frying pan. Though no one knew that Austria would be the fighting type. His skilled fingers on the piano just shows how skilled he is in pulling the trigger on sniper guns.

His aim is almost at a 90% accuracy. And he throws hard punches, which surprised me. Prussia of course, was working on intro lines and sword skin. Guns as well. He wasn't a bad fighter. But, he wasn't good either.

I guess, war could change people. Including me. My phone in my pocket began to ring. I looked at it when my eyes widened and sweat dropped from my forehead.

It was Italy, I didn't know what to tell him. It went straight to voicemail as Italy sent one. I listened to it carefully.

"Ciao! It's-a Italy! I was-a wondering where you are-a at right now! I need some-a help... I'm not actually sure how to-a, train-a people? Your a pro at it! So maybe...some-a help! Glad to-a be on the same-a team!"

I bit my lip and clenched my fists, putting away my phone before I even broke it. I can't face Italy, and his reaction, if I told him we were not on the same team, I couldn't stand it. He's been there for me for quite a while. A millennium, even.

I went back inside and are lunch, which was...


I can't stand being away from him, now. He was my only actual friend, and he treated me like a normal person. Of course, every once in a while he got scared of me. But, that's how friends are? Right?

I don't understand why I cannot be in a team with Italy. The past with Rome is in the past. And the fact about him being weak? He needs help. I keep on thinking to myself, that he's fine. He's okay. But it's not working.

He keeps on bugging me, being a happy idiot, that I pretend I'm annoyed of. Now, I can't even live without hearing his voice. I only came to the conclusion that I was coming down with Italy disease, or whatever it's called.

I needed him by my side now, so I could have maybe, a laugh, or even a smile. I got myself beer as I couldn't even eat my food. It was pasta. Italy's all time favorite. I just kept chugging my beer down as if I was sad. I kept lying to everyone that it was just that I didn't have beer in a long time.

"I'll win this war," I thought, finishing my cup. "I'll win this war for Italy."

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