Chapter 11: The Capturing

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Even with them being surrounded, they had soldiers of their own. And in the end, it was a battle to the death. Spain and Netherlands were outnumbers, but they obtained a few people.

They captured Cuba from the communists, making him work for the Tomato Gang.

They captured India, who they used to fight on their team as a trade.

Finally, they captured Romania, who was able to fight for them with no trade and Spain was able to use a lot of convincing.

The South American group was defeated. Blood was spattered everywhere on the battlefield, but Spain didn't even have a scratch on them. They took Portugal as a hostage then left, grinning.

Romano, on the other hand, instead of fighting the RT, he was looking for Italy. He couldn't find him anywhere and ended up giving up. So instead, he looked for Belgium, since he didn't know where she was.

"Oi! Ragazza!" Romano yelled out. He found Belgium surrounded by, Micronations. Unharmed Micronations. He expected this from Belgium. She was literally feeding them cookies in the middle of the battlefield.

It wasn't long before all of them collapsed.

Romano's eyes widened as he grabbed Belgium's arms, tying them behind her back t prevent her from doing anything. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

She turned to look at me with a creepy grin on her eyes. Instead, her eyes were a red color. I shook my head, to check if I was seeing things, but this was reality.

"We win the war. Everyone not on our team are enemies. It is their fault for taking part in the war. This is their fault. There are two more. I must find them, and kill them," Belgium said in a monotone voice.

Romano eventually came to the conclusion that she was possessed. Romania, a member of the magic trio, was captured by Spain and forced to work with us. He had magical powers, which means that he could possess Belgium.

"I didn't want to-a result to this," Romano said and closing my eyes, slapping her right across the face. Belgium blinked a few times as her red eyes slowly converted to green.

"R-Romano! Why am I tied up? Wh-What happened to the micronations? Why are they unconscious?!" Belgium exclaimed as Romano untied her, handing her a bottle of tomato juice.

"You were-a possessed by-a Romania. So then you-a fed poisonous cookies to them," Romano said. Belgium's eyes widened as she covered met mouth with her hands.

"N-No...will they die..?" Belgium asked as Romano shook his head, drinking his tomato juice.

"No, but they'll be unconscious for a day. We should take them back to their base," Romano said. He brought a few soldiers with him and asked Belgium where the micronation's base was. She responded as they took the micronations to that direction.

"I knew it," Spain said in the background with Netherlands, Cuba, Romania, and India. "You were thinking for them. They are taking part in war Belgium!"

"You...You possessed her..?" Netherlands asked in a cold tone and clenched his fists. He punched Spain in the face as I could hear a crack sound.

Even with that happening, he just laughed.

"Of course I didn't! I had Romania do it here!" Spain said and patted Romania in the back.

"I quit," I told Spain.

The grin was wiped off of his face. He looked at me with a serious look on his face. Belgium sighed, stepping up next to me.

"I quit, too," Belgium said.

"What?" Spain asked, the grip on his axe handle tightened. Netherlands stood next to his sister protectively and and had a cold look on his face.

"What do you think I'm going to say?"

"Goddammit, fine. Be that way, but I'm warning you we'll be the-"

"Who cares, bastardo? What your-a doing is wrong. If you-a win rid war, it's-a meaningless," Romano said as the three of them started to walk off with Spain cursing in Spanish.

Romano turned to look back at him, giving him the middle finger, then looked forward. Romano now knew the reason why Spain remained a neutral country from World War 2 to World War 4. His mind is always taken over by war, and turns into his 2p. It was a decision to go to the micronation's base, so that Belgium could formally apologize to them.

Meanwhile, the RT were still recovering from the communist attack, and Thailand offered to take watch. But when it was Hong Kong's turn, the group got a shocking message from Thailand.

"Vietnam's gone!"

Iceland was shocked. Taiwan and Japan wasted no time searching for her. Thailand soon joined them. Macau and Hong Kong stayed, silently thinking about where she would be. It was clear who did it.

"It had to be the Communists, there's no one else," Macau said. Hong Kong nodded in agreement. Iceland didn't understand how this happened. There were soldiers guarding the base. Now that you think about it, they were Vietnamese soldiers guarding.

And they must have been captured by normal soldiers, and a country would be the one to capture Vietnam. There would only be four choices. Russia, China, North Korea, or Belarus.

Russia or Belarus couldn't have done it, because they never knew Vietnam. It couldn't be China, because he never brings a pack of soldiers with him. It had to be North Korea.

"Damn it," Iceland said and sent Mr. Puffin to search for Vietnam and for the base. People would think it's just an ordinary bird. Even so, he can talk so he'll come back to tell me.

While waiting, Mr. Puffin came back and rested on Iceland's shoulder, gladly unharmed. "It was North Korea, but they're forcing Vietnam brutally to work for them."

Thailand, Taiwan, and Japan came back as Thailand heard this, wanting to know more. He's known Vietnam for quite a while and deeply cares about her.

"What are they doing to her?! Who?!" Thailand yelled as Mr. Puffin said everything.

"North Korea can't look at Vietnam getting hurt in the eye, China can't either. Belarus is a girl. So it had to be Russia," Mr. Puffin said.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to-" Thailand was cut off by Japan and South Korea.

"Calm down, Da-ze! We're getting her tomorrow. We're all wounded, okay? So we need to rest," South Korea said as Japan nodded. In the end, the RT was in their beds, resting up. But Thailand was an insomniac that night.

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