Chapter 24: The Ending

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To finish the war, the countries had come up with a solution. They, as their former, original teams, such as the Tomato Gang, FACE, Germans, etc, were participating in a paintball fight. The paintball was used to represent the actual guns during war. There was also people who refused to participate in paintball, and instead were competing with video games.

In the end, during the paintball fight, FACE had one. And for the video games, Team RT had won. Thanks to, South Korea and Hong Kong.

South Korea had rejoined his brother, after all these years, they finally became one nation and one Korea. Though there was still the border, that was instead covered in the national flowers where people could cross anytime.

Japan's landmass had transformed to a sea, that Taiwan had decided to name 'The Ghostly Sea' due to the fact that when Japan had died, he was possessed. Rarely do people cross that sea, and only countries do on a special boat, to have floating flowers on top of the water.

Sweden's and Finland's land masses were reduced to nothing but the coast of a beach. Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Sealand, always go there for family time, where they are buried is in a garden that Norway was able to create due to his magic, since the soil on the land would not grow anything.

Canada's landmass is nothing but a cold island, similar to what Greenland is like. America is always fighting the cold just to stand there, and place the Canadian flag on what was left of his brother, and plays the song 'I will never forget you' on repeat. England's magic made polar bears scout the area as guards, all named after all of the mistaken names he gave his polar bear. France, had always sat by the grave sight, laughing as if his little Canada was still there.

Now Prussia, on the other hand, was completely dissolved. So instead, he had more than one memorial. In Germany, during the time when the wind is blowing east, and baby chicks are born, they are sent to a place called 'The Awesome Factory' in which they are raised properly.

In Hungary, for a whole week, the women are dressed in Hungarian traditional clothes and have a shiny frying pan in their hand, they beat the prisoners restlessly with it. I mean, it's not very nice, but still, it does remind Hungary oh so of Prussia.

Austria, instead of playing the piano, attaches a string, to a broomstick, from the music club meeting, and plays on it. Sometimes, he gives them out to the poor.

As for Switzerland, he shoots up in the air yelling out 'I'm Awesome' in Prussia's accent. Even though this embarrasses him greatly, he still does it anyways.

For Liechtenstein, she makes sandwiches and hands them out to people and sometimes even works at a cafe, making those sandwiches named 'The Awesome Sandwich' because of this reason.

And it was the year 4000. The world was slowly rebuilding after the war, and it was a time of peace. The winners were announced, and today was the day that the other countries would pay their respects.

At this time, Anta was walking her dog on the coast of the beach to a lovely garden as Lithuania stood next to her.

"Wow. It's so amazing," Anta said as Lithuania nodded in agreement.

"Yes it is, Anna. It just shows how amazing those countries are," Lithuania said as Anta's eyes were widened in shock.

"L-Lithuania? Do you see that man? Over there?" Anta asked as Lithuania shook his head.

"I don't see them," Lithuania said as Anta looked over to see a man with an old white beard, bending over to the graves, handing them flowers.

"H-Hello? Sir?" Anta asked as the old man waved at her with a smile on his face.

"My, Anta. You have grown," he said as her eyes widened in shock.

"G-Grandpa, Pangea?" Anta asked as he nodded and had a weak chuckle escape his mouth. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought I would, pay my respects," he said as Anta glanced at Lithuania.

"U-Um, how come Lithuania can't see you?" Anta asked as Pangea stood back up, shaking his head.

"Because, your soul, has a part of me in it. Every single one of the countries do. But it is because, during global warming, I saved your life. Eski can see you, too," Pangea said as Anta's eyes widened, seeing Eski bark happily with his tongue sticking out.

"Grandpa, how come you were able to save me? And, not the other countries?" Anta asked as Pangea put his hand on his chin.

"Well, I could only save countries that suffered from natural disaster. Like you, and global warming. And in all honesty, when Lithuania had stabbed you, it had no effect as you already died," Pangea said as Anta gasped in shock.

"When, are you going to visit again? And, how long will I live?" Anta asked as Pangea was petting Eski's fur.

"You will live longer than any country here. However, the micronations and you will be the last things before the end of the world," Pangea said as he slowly started to fade away.

"I'm always here. I was just broken apart, very slowly," he said as Anta or Eski could not see him anymore. Eski was whining as he laid down on the floor in sadness.

"What did you and Grandpa Pangea talk about?" Lithuania asked as Anta stood up and continued to walk Eski down the beach as Lithuania had followed them.

"Well, he talked about how he saved me. And, why I'm the only one that can see him," Anta said as Lithuania nodded.

"Lithuania? Will there ever be another war? Like, the one I had recently experienced?" Anta asked him as Lithuania shook his head.

"I don't think so. There will be tiny wars over the countries always arguing, but we will never go through that kind of state again," Lithuania assured as Anta smiled.

"Okay, as long as you say so."

The End

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