Chapter 23: The Message

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"Konichiwa," Japan said as the East Asians froze, when they saw that it was Japan. Japan just looked at Taiwan with sorrowful eyes. "Sumimasen, I armost kirred you, but I switched the swords just in time, Taiwan-Chan."

"Dammit Japan..," Taiwan said and wiped her tears, laughing.

All of the East Asians stood there in shock. South Korea was crying tears of joy as Thailand was smiling brightly. Vietnam had done the same, and yet she never smiles.

"Hey! Ice-Kun! Den-Kun! Nor-Kun!" Finland exclaimed, holding Sweden's hand and waved at their teammates. Sweden just waved. Their wounds were still plastered on their face.

Denmark dropped his axe as Norway began to cry. Iceland comforted the two as he had a similar reaction.

"But, you two died!" Iceland exclaimed as Sweden shook his head.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Ice-Kun! We were all worried when you left!" Finland exclaimed as Iceland shook his head, wiping the tears that he had.

"I'm back. And as long as you two are alive and not dead. I'm not leaving again..," Iceland said and smiled for once, as well as Sweden did.

"Teenage phase is over," he muttered as Iceland laughed.

"Hey, Bruder. I'm sorry for leaving at night and look what happened to me. My lungs are gone," Prussia said as Germany's eyes widened in shock as he actually started to cry. Switzerland stood in front of Liechtenstein protectively as Hungary shook her head in disbelief. Austria seemed shocked, as well.

"Damnit Prussia you idiot!" They all yelled at him as Prussia just laughed.

"Kesesese~ I guess I am just that awesome!"

America was on the battlefield, staring at the rotting carcasses of dead Canadian soldiers as he started to uncontrollably sob.

"If he was more time... I could have told him I was sorry, damnit! Sorry, for not paying attention to you often. Sorry, for always being so loud and obnoxious. I missed all the times you were here, bro. I wish I was there in time...," America said and continued to sob.

"America I forgave you..," America heard Canada say behind him. America looked up to see Canada. To actually see Canada as he waved at him at chuckled, giving him a great big bear hug.

"Damnit Canada, your too nice.."

Meanwhile, Team Colonization was stuck in jail, when a man appeared. He seemed to be very old, bald on the head and has a long, white beard with the length of half of his body. He held a branch in his hand and wore a white toga with brown sandals.

"..Who are you?" Spain asked as the old man just laughed.

"I'm you," the old man said as China crossed his arms.

"What do you mean your him, aru?" China asked as the old man just laughed.

"I am all of you," the old man said as North Korea rolled his eyes.

"And what do you mean by that?!" North Korea asked, clearly mad.

"I am Pangea. Of course, I watched you from above, and I will cure you from all the bad things you have done," the old man, claiming to be Pangea said.

"Wh-What do you mean cure? We're perfectly fine!" Spain exclaimed as a smirk appeared on his face. "Well, if you mean breaking us out of jail then sure."

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