Chapter 6: The Tomato Gang

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Romano's POV

Spain called over Belgium and Netherlands for another Tomato Gang meeting. For the first time, we'll be in the same team for war. We nicknamed ourselves the Tomato Gang since I guess blood would be shed on the battlefield, like splattering tomatoes? I don't know but it was my idea centuries ago.

Spain declared himself leader, which was stupid. Then again, he was the only one out of all of use with a signature weapon, his axe. Surprisingly, everyone has a weapon that could kill countries. Because of this, Spain came up with a plan.

"We steal those weapons when they are caught off guard. We'll start off with the teams that were already assembled. We'll go for RT, then the Baltics, who's only strength would be Poland. We'll go for the micronations, since Sealand produces the weapons," He said, drawing it on the chalkboard.

"Once we got all the weapons, they're left vulnerable and now we could attack higher ranking teams. Like the Germans, FACE, and the Communists," Spain said as Belgium shook her head in disapproval.

"The micronations are just children. If we steal something from them, they're innocent," Belgium said as Spain shook his head, drawing a circle at the micronations.

"They're actually our main target. Micronations are used for manufacturing, therefore producing weapons. Most likely, we'll take advantage of their small base and explode it which is Netherland's weapon. What will remain most likely is the weapons. We'll gather them, and using them to an advantage," Spain explained as Belgium frowned, looking at the sofa she was sitting on.

"And, the Nordic 5?" Netherland's asked. Spain drew them on the board under the category 'Weak Teams' along with RT, Micronations, and Baltics.

"Correction: The Nordic 4. They're all happy go lucky and not used to war. Of course, we could catch them off guard with Iceland. Now: We attack RT first, then capture their leader, in this case Iceland. We will also take Hong Kong as a hostage for the communists. We could use that to our advantage," Spain exclaimed.

"What-a team is mi fratello on?" I asked Spain as he drew Italy way outside of where he rest of the teams are and was at the edge of the chalkboard.

"He's alone," Spain said.

"Wait, what are you-" Netherland's was cut off by Belgium's shocked expression.

I just sat there, my eyes widened. Spain didn't seem affected at all. War took over his mind, and we can't turn it back to normal Spain unless the war is over and we win.

"The battlefield is a battlefield. He's useless, anyways. Roma, here is much stronger!" Spain exclaimed as I shook my head, crossing my arms.

"I-a hate you," I muttered.

"Come on, this is going to be the biggest war ever!" Spain exclaimed. Netherland's rolled his eyes.

"Another damn World War," Netherlands muttered as Belgium nodded in agreement.

"It'll be a war to end all wars!" Spain exclaimed.

"That's what they said in World War 1, bastardo," I told Spain. He shook his head and drew two more teams on the board.

OC and Ancient Generation.

"OC stands for Outside Character. Most people we know, but have not been involved in world meetings lately. Countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tibet, and even Greenland and some others. We will take Dubai to an advantage as the richest city," Spain said, putting them under 'Weak Team'.

"Ancient Generation are people like Egypt, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus. They are fairly strong, but not strong enough and are easily distracted by fighting each other," Spain explained and finished talking, holding his axe.

"Now, we will split up to start with the weak countries. Belgium, take care of the Micronations, Netherlands, Nordic 4, Romano, RT, and I will handle the Ancient Generation. Since OC increased in numbers, we will all get together to raid them," Spain said as I nodded.

For sure, I can tell that Belgium wasn't happy for getting the micronations. She thought they were innocent, but she took on the job anyways. I was fine with getting RT, but I have to capture Iceland and Hong Kong, which was completely fine with me. Better than killing.

Netherlands just reacted normally, throwing away the cigarette that he was smoking. Spain nodded, erasing the chalkboard.

"All of our troops are ready. We're already prepared for war. So why don't you guys just rest for today?" Spain asked as I nodded? Going to my room and collapsing on the bed.

I went through my phone to see countless messages from Italy, which scared me.


It's your Fratello Italy!

Um, I was wondering if we could form an alliance!

You know, since Germany's with the Germans!

And, I am your Fratello after all!

I want to join your team!

I replied with 'Shut up you can't be on it' and turned off my phone. I didn't like to admit it, but I didn't want to see Italy being attacked and weak and vulnerable.

Belgium knocked on my door as I let her in. We were both drinking a bottle of tomato juice as we both looked out the window. Everything was prepared for war. Even so, Belgium felt guilty.

"I don't want to attack the Micronations. I would always bake them cookies, or hand out chocolate to them. And now, I have to raid them?!" Belgium asked, feeling confused.

"Yeah España's crazy over war. My own fratello, Seborga, is a micronation," I told Belgium as she nodded, giggling as if she remembered a memory.

"Seborga's such a flirt. He's really nice, too. I feel bad for Italy as well. But, at least we don't have to attack him," Belgium said as I nodded.

This continued as we were both talking about the war. Sometimes complaining about Spain, and most of the time, I kept thinking of my own brother, Italy. I imagined him on the battlefield, waving his white flag and crying. Germany abandoned him.

I'll save him on that damn battlefield if it's the last thing I do.

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