Chapter 19: Descendant vs Revenge

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"If you wanted me to keep him in there and patrol him you could have gotten killed!" Austria argued with Switzerland as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up you damn aristocrat," Switzerland said.

"Little mouse," Austria said.

"Piano geek."

"Cheese freak."

"Show off."

"Arrogant idiot."

"SHUT UP ZHE BOTH OF YOU!" Germany yelled out of annoyance as Italy covered his ears as Hungary and Liechtenstein did the same, knowing his wrath after the world meetings. "You know zhat ve're on the same team, dumpkoffs! Prussia's already captured!"

"Ah, they're always like this, believe me," Hungary said as Liechtenstein nodded in agreement.

"I couldn't help but see that big brother is always angry at Mr. Austria," Liechtenstein said as Italy hid behind Germany.

Switzerland and Austria looked terrified after Germany and nodded. "W-We're the best of friends, sir!" Switzerland exclaimed as they had their arm around each other and started humming the FUN song in SpongeBob.

"If we do want to defeat the Tomato Gang and the Communists we have to defeat them first. They stand in our way," Denmark said angrily and held his axe as his grip tightened on the handle.

Norway had pulled out a weapon, though he was mainly focusing on using his magic. Poland was staring at his nails in boredom with his whole army right behind him. Lithuania tried to remain diligent even though he was quivering in fear. Anta was hiding behind him shyly, holding a knife given to her by Lithuania. Ukraine held up her trident that looked like a pitchfork over her breasts so it wouldn't cause much attention. And Estonia was left behind, hiding like a coward in the base, decided to handle the electronic stuff and when to send backup or rescue teams.

"Wow. So intimidating," Switzerland said and loaded his shotgun. "Even Liechtenstein is much more intimidating then them!"

"What is that supposed to mean, big brother?" Liechtenstein asked. Switzerland noticed that he gave her a knife to prepare in battle.

"U-Um, nothing," Switzerland said and slowly scooted behind Hungary. Liechtenstein smiled as Team Revenge stepped closer. The war was symbolized when Norway had shot up a bullet into the sky.

Germany ended up charging at Denmark and was able to dodge Denmark's powerful swing with his axe. Germany was able to uppercut him with his own fists and knocked him down to the ground with a bruise on his chin.

Germany grabbed his axe and Denmark grit his teeth, tightening his grip on the handle as his knuckles started to turn white. "I will never let go of this again, even if it costs me my damn life," Denmark said as he signaled Norway by spitting on the ground. Norway sneaked behind Germany, kicking him in the back.

Germany coughed as the grip on the axe handle loosened as Norway slapped him on the face, standing on his stomach. He turned to look at Denmark and nodded. "Let's go, Dane," Norway said as Denmark nodded, as they went off to assist their comrades, or what's left of them.

"Omg! I haven't seen you in like, forever, Hungary!" Poland exclaimed as Hungary rolled her eyes, carrying a frying pan. Poland tried shooting it at her, however her frying pan acted as a shield and deflected it out of the way. "That's, totally cool! But your dress is like, totally not in style."

"Shut up you gay bastard," Hungary muttered and took out a sword from her holder and slashed it at him. Though he kept on dodging, only causing a rip on his shirt. After this, Poland clenched his fists in anger.


"Seriously?" Hungary asked and raised an eyebrow. Poland had tried to shoot her as she deflected a second time with her frying pan. She decided that her sword was no good as she quickly took out her pistol that was attached to her right leg.

"Ooh! Getting saucy I see," Poland said with a grin on his face. Hungary shot the pistol as Poland dodged with the bullet just barely passing by his hair, and ended up hitting a tree.

"Your shooting form is weak!" Switzerland shouted at Hungary as she crossed her arms as Poland was confused. As soon as he spotted Switzerland hiding in the bushes with his shotgun pointed at Poland, it was too late. Poland was shot to the ground, not yet knocked out.

"Hey! You forgot we were here, too!" Turkey exclaimed loudly as Greece rolled his eyes, taking out his gun from his pocket and aimed it at a random person.

"How about, Ukraine?" Greece asked, pointing over to the large country holding a trident in her hand, fighting the girl, Liechtenstein.

"You remind me of someone..," Ukraine said as Liechtenstein smiled.

"Who? Belarus? The sister that betrayed you?" Liechtenstein asked as Ukraine gasped and started to cry. She had never changed since then.

Switzerland started crying tears of joy. "That's my girl," Switzerland said and sniffed as Austria rolled his eyes.

"No, Ukraine's too sensitive. And she has to be fought by a girl, or it seems to be wrong to me," Greece eventually said and pointed his gun at Norway, thinking it would be a good choice.

"Don't just stand there, Greece! Are you daydreaming again?!" Turkey yelled at him. Greece rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger, hitting Norway in the back.

Egypt was sniping from a distance as Cyprus was sending in backup when Turkey or Greece was in need. Though he participated in the war as well.

Austria was currently in a battle with Latvia, which was easy enough. Though Lithuania had attempted to throw a knife at him. Before that, Austria had dodged it, only cutting a strand of his hair.

"Hm? Who's that girl standing behind you? I've never seen her before! Is she a micronation?" Austria asked and pointed his gun towards Lithuania. Anta crossed her arms.

"Eski!" Anta yelled. The husky standing behind her growled and ran towards Austria. He started to tear off pieces of clothing, attacking him.

"I hate dogs!" Austria exclaimed in horror.

In the end, Team Revenge had won the battle, driven and motivated by their title. They continued on, looking for their next target, which was Team Mixtape.

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