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I was in one of our private rooms. The guy had requested it, I didn't mind, it just meant more money for me.
Typically, the guys went in there before any of us girls did but today was different. I was dancing before he even arrived in the room.
He sat in the corner, his legs spread open and relaxed. His eyes were hooded and he was attractive.
Sometimes I found this job awkward. My job was not to talk unless asked something and often times, I found the eye contact with a stranger weird.
"Come here." He spoke up and I strayed from the pole and stepped down from the small stage and walked over to him.
He sits up and takes his jacket off and motions for me to take it.
"Why?" I ask and he sits back.
"As much as I like seeing you dance, you're much more than an object I can just gawk at." He says and I nod.
"Well, just pay for how long you were in here. I have other costumers sir." I say and he stands up.
He beats me by a good four or five inches.
"If your working here instead of a better paying job, it means you're struggling. I said I'd be in here for an hour, it's almost half that time, I'll give you the seven hundred. You deserve it." He says reaching in the back of his back pocket and fetching his wallet.
"But you only need to pay three hundred fifty. Why pay me more?" I ask.
"You've earned it. Listen, get out of here. You're better than this. I see it in your eyes." He says and something about that takes me off guard.
"You don't know what I want sir." I say and he shrugs.
"You can either be successful or you can act like the rest of these girls. You're not a low life. Get your shit together." He says handing me the money and walking away before I can, one, tell him off, and two, give his jacket back.
What an asshole.
"What you got?" I ask the guy who can't afford to pay me with just money.
"Oxy, Cocaine, DMT..." He says and I reach my hand out and he smirks.
"Can we do it together?" He asks and I sigh.
We start with smoking the DMT and move on to snorting Cocaine.
"You're so sexy you know that right?" The man says and I smirk.
"Thanks." I say and I crawl onto his lap and strangle him.
I don't know why, maybe it was the drugs, but I was so turned on.
"I need something more from you other then the money and the drugs baby." I whisper in his ear.
"Don't have to ask me twice." He says taking my breast into his mouth.
I rock my hips him and then he puts me on my back and puts his hands around my neck.
Things started to go in and out after that. I'm sure he thought I was dead.
When I woke up, there was girls around me, I was puking.
"Call and ambulance!" One of them yells.
I don't understand what's happening. Why is this happening?
Then things go black.
I wake up but I can't open my eyes yet. I try to but I can't.
"If you can here me, squeeze my hand." I hear a women say.
That's not just any woman though. That's my mother.
I try to squeeze her hand but I only get as far as my eyes.
"Please baby. Open your eyes, squeeze my hand, do something." She cries.
"Hun, we need to decide if we want to take her off life support. She's been in a comma for almost two months. Doctors say she's not getting better and as much as we love her, we can't afford these hospital bills." My father.
That sends me into panic mode.
"I'm wake! Don't give up on me!" I want to say but I can't and I'm scared.
"Please, we can't give up on her yet." Mom says and I celebrate mentally.
"One more month. That's all we can afford baby. Just, let's go to the hotel and rest for a while. I can't stay here in this hospital anymore." He says and I felt my mom kiss my forehead.
"No! Please don't leave!" I try to scream.
"We'll be back tomorrow baby." Mom says and I want to just do something so that they know I'm wake.
Then I feel no one. I only hear the door open and close and then I'm alone. I'm alone.

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