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I was actually interested in a bag that was being sold at this booth I was at but the problem I had was that it was way overpriced. I was trying to get the cost of it lowered so I could by the bag when all of a sudden I hear the sexy man from my dreams behind me.
"How much is the bag?" He asks and the man in the booth smiles.
"Twenty-five, ninety-nine." The man in the booth says and the man who I've had multiple dreams about hands him a twenty and a five and two ones before I can argue.
"Thanks for doing business with me." The man at the booth says before handing the bag to me and then tending to another costumer.
"Keep the change." The stranger says and I look to him before shaking my head and walking away.
I'm surprised when he follows me.
"I could have got him to lower the price on it if you would have just waited." I say sliding the bag over my shoulder.
"I know you. I know you know me. It looks like you got out of that shit hole you were working at." He says and I sigh.
"Not by choice. By the way, your jacket is one of my favorite accessories." I say crossing my arms over my chest and he mocks me by doing the same.
"I'm glad you put it to good use." He says and I just look at him.
"Listen, I liked what I did, giving me more money then I deserved and gifting me your wonderful jacket, but after you left everything went to shit alright. Not that I expect you to care because you don't know me, but I would gladly still be doing what I was doing if my parents hadn't taken me back here." I say and he laughs.
"You're that upset that you had to stop being a whore and actually start acting like an adult. Wow, okay." He says shrugging and walking past me.
I turn towards him and walk after him.
"Excuse you?" I say my jaw dropping.
"You should be thankful that your family cared about you enough to get you out of that situation. What is your name again?" He asks and I want to yell at him but refrain from doing so.
"It's Blaire. And I don't think you should be talking since you were in the place watching me "be a whore."" I say and he shrugs.
"You've got a fair point. And I'll let you have that one but I still think you should be more grateful to your family. You look healthier then you did the last time I saw you." He says and for some reason I can't help but still be mad.
"You're an asshole." I say before pushing past him and walking back towards Pearl and Margret's Booth.
"Hey wait up! Stay and talk to me and tell me why the hell you're still mad at me!" He says grabbing my arm and pulling me back.
"I don't know why! I just am! Leave me alone." I say and shakes his head.
"Why are you sill mad?" He asks again more calmly so we don't pull too much attention to us.
"I told you to leave me alone." I say pulling my arm away from him.
"Talk to me like an adult, Blaire. Don't be a child." He says.
That's all it takes for me. I slap him hard against the cheek and walk away and disappear into the crowd as fast as I can.
I wasn't a fucking child! Fuck him!

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