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As my mother makes lunch for Jared, and my father talks his ear off I decide that this is my time to go get ready for work.
I walk down the hall and go into my bedroom and get out of this dress and get into a pair of shorts, a black crop top and then put on a maroon cardigan. I go to the bathroom and do something with my hair so that I don't look like a church girl anymore. I curl my hair loosely and braid a section of hair and pin it above my ear so my hair is out of my face.
As I finish the door opens and it's no one other then Jared.
"Hey." He says closing it behind him.
"Bye." I say trying to get past him but his hands wrap around my waist and holds me still.
"You changed." He says and I nod.
"I have to go to the fairgrounds remember? I don't want to be in a dress." I say taking his hands off of my waist and crossing my arms over my chest.
"That's right... Well, maybe I'll stick around a little. Your mother just invited me for dinner." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Well, don't come. I don't want you anywhere near me." I say and he smirks.
"Not unless we're having sex right? Angry, hot, sex that makes you crazy right?" He says pushing me gently against the bathroom wall.
"Who said that we would be having sex again? I don't think that's something someone just decides is going to happen." I say biting my lower lip.
"Oh look at you. You know you enjoyed it as much as I did. You know you want to do it again. You want bruises and hot wax. You want bites and scratches. You want to be dominated and at the same you want to dominate." He says and his face is dangerously close to mine.
"I could get all of that from someone else and like it just as much. Don't flatter yourself Jared." I say and he laughs.
"But it wouldn't be me. You have a hate for me that does things to you and your body. It makes you excited and hot. And I love that you are so full of that hate. It makes me want to have my way with you with every single insult you say back to me." He says and my chest rises and falls as his hand grasps my ass and squeezes it slightly.
"I could live." I say before pushing him and opening the bathroom door and closing it before heading back to the kitchen.
I help mom set the table and by the time Jared gets back from the bathroom, the food is on the table and we're having lunch.
"Thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. This is great." Jared says taking a bite of the salad.
Apparently he was vegan so all he could eat was a salad.
I look from him back at my pasta and try my best not to roll my eyes.
I eat in silence and when we all finish, I help mom with dishes and then I grab my keys.
"Ready to go?" I ask looking at Jared.
"I am. Have a great afternoon." He says to my parents and I walk outside to my car not waiting up for him.
He was such a kiss ass it made me want to pull my hair out.
I start my car and see him walk down the walk way towards me with a big smile.
I want to lock my car doors and not let him in. Better yet just leave him here but I don't do either and I suck it up and he gets in the car.
"Thanks babe." He says and I grown.
"Don't call me that." I say.
I drive him back to Lunar and he thanks me.
"Better not be late. See you later." He says and I don't look at him.
"Come on... Lighten up Blaire. Oh also, I've been given the task to take you out on Friday night for dinner. Wear something tight and black." He says and my jaw drops.
"What?" I ask and he gets out of the car.
"Well, you could go naked but I think that's against restaurant regulations." He says before hitting the top of my car with his hand and walking away.
The fact that he even wanted to take me out made me sick. Why would he do that?
I drive to the fairgrounds and park, find Maya and Ana and help those ladies out for the rest of the day.
When I get home moms making dinner.
"Hey mom." I say sitting at the table.
"Hello Blaire. How was work?" She asks looking towards me.
"Same old same old. Can I help you with anything?" I ask and she shakes her head no.
"I do want to talk about Jared though." She says and I sigh.
"What about him?" I ask sitting back in the chair.
"Well he's a nice young man. I think he would be good for you." She says and I gag a little.
"No. Mom. He's not good for me alright. He drives me crazy." I say and she laughs.
"Your father and I were the same when we first met each other Blaire." She says and I stand up.
"You don't understand. He makes me so angry that it's going to drive me to drink." I say walking over to her.
"Oh don't be so dramatic. Just give him a try. That's why I asked him to take you out on Friday." She says and my mouth gapes open again.
"That was you!" I ask and she smiles and nods.
"It can't be that bad Hun. Just let him take care of you. Don't argue, keep poised, act like a lady for once." She says and I laugh.
"Mom, when have I ever wanted to be poised and act like a lady before in my life?" I ask.
"Never but now is the time. You're not getting any younger." She says and it takes all of me not to snap on her.
"Well dinner with a guy who I hate is not what I expected to do on my twenty seventh birthday mom." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"Don't be silly. You might have more fun than you think."

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