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By the time I got back to Pearl and Margret, I had cooled off from talking to... to.. Damn, I didn't even know this guys name.
What gave him the right to know my name but I couldn't know his?
"Oh what a cute bag. Goes well with what you're wearing today!" Pearl says and I smile.
"You think?" Right now I didn't even want it. It was just a reminder of whatever his name is.
"Yes!" They say together and I smile just so they go back to whatever they were doing.
I put the bag down on the ground and helped with customers all day until it was time to pack up and leave.
"We did good today ladies!" Pearl says and she gives me my cut of what they earned.
I pack the things up with the ladies and before I can put the last thing up, I hear my name and I instantly just want to run away.
"What do you want?" I ask looking at him.
"What are you guys selling?" He asks and I squint.
"I guess you just have to wait until Monday to find out." I say and he laughs.
"Are you still mad?" He asks and I put the last thing in the back of the truck before motioning to Pearl and Margret that they could go ahead and leave.
The truck pulls away and I grab the stupid bag that he bought for me and start walking to my car.
"Blaire. Come on." He says and I stop in my tracks and turn towards him.
"Just because I worked at a strip club, just because I was addicted to the lifestyle I was living, doesn't make me a whore and it doesn't make me a child. Don't you ever call me a whore or a child again or I swear I will fucking freak." I say pressing my pointer finger onto his chest hard.
"You are a hot head." He says and I can't handle him.
"You know what, I don't fucking need this. You are an asshole, you're the one provoking me to act this way and you just love seeing me like this. You act like you want to be nice but really, you get a kick out of seeing me angry." I say and he smiles.
"Maybe you're right or maybe you're on that time of the month?" He says and it takes all of me to not react and angrily kick him in the balls.
"Fuck off." I say with a smile before walking away from him again.
I can still hear him behind me but I refuse to stop and talk with him a second longer.
When I get to my car I unlock it and get in.
He knocks on my window and I turn my car on.
My music blares to life from my speakers and I turn the volume down.
"Can I get a ride?" He asks through the glass and I buckle my seatbelt.
"Please, Blaire?" He asks and I finally give in and look at him.
He frowns and I know I'm about to make the worst decision in my life.
I pat the passengers seat and he smiles before walking over and getting in my car.
"Thanks." He says and I don't say anything other then, "Where to?"
"You know where Lunar Hotel is?" He asks and I laugh.
"Yeah. I know where Lunar Hotel is..." I say drawing out the "s" sound waiting for his name.
"Jared." He says and I can't help but laugh again.
"Of course your name is Jared." I say putting the car into drive.
"What do you mean by that?" He asks like he's offended.
I don't answer.
"Okay. I see. Well, thanks for the ride anyways." He says and I still don't say anything.
"Stubborn women." He says and I can't help but smile a bit.
Yeah. I'm real stubborn.

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