Dance For Me

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When I get back, Jared is out of bed.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Are you allowed to leave?"
"No... not yet."
"Jared, don't be a fucking idiot. Sit down."
He sighs and looks at me.
"I hate being in here. I'd much rather be with you at a park... or something."
I can't help but laugh.
"You're no good to me if you aren't fully healed." I say walking over to him.
"Can't we just go? I'm breathing aren't I?"
"You are such a guy. You all just think life is that cut and dry. You can't leave. Not until they say you're good to go."
"Stop being so damn right. You're supposed to help me break out of here." He says placing his hands on my waist.
I look down at him since I'm standing and he's sitting down on the bed looking up at me.
"Sorry, that's not happening. You had swelling in your brain Jared. You need to heal from the surgery and then maybe we can talk." I say bending down and kissing next to the stitches on his head.
"Blaire..." he growls.
This excites me but at the same time, if he can't leave yet, he's probably not well enough for us to fuck.
"This isn't a good idea. At least not now. You need to rest and I have to go and get ready for work."
"Again, why are you doing the right things? Where did that irresponsible girl go?"
"She grew up with the help from a annoyingly sexy stud with blue eyes. Now, seriously, get some rest. The sooner you're better, the sooner we can get out of here and go to the park." I say with a smile and he laughs.
"We both know that's not what we would do first. Maybe after."
"If you're good, I won't make you wait any longer than you have to." I step back and grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.
"When I can come back, is there anything you want me to bring you?" I ask and he smirks.
"What?" I ask folding my arms over my chest.
"What Jared? We're both adults here."
"Nothing. I can wait until I get out of here. It'll be worth the wait."
"Did you want my underwear or something like that? A sexy photo of me? Because it wouldn't surprise me."
"Blaire. It has nothing to do with your undergarments or you taking a sexy photo."
"Liar." I laugh.
"Don't get me wrong... I want to be all over you right now, but what I really want is for you to bring a speaker... and I want you to dance for me."
"Dance for you."
He nods.
"Because if we can't do anything for a couple weeks, then I want to see you do something you like. I don't want to just talk. It's fun being with you, but I want to see you express yourself."
"You want to torture yourself?"
"It's not torture seeing you."
I feel my cheeks blush and I sigh.
"Okay. Fine. I'll be back later then. To fulfill your request."
"I can't wait."
Work was fine. I couldn't stop worrying about the dumbass in the hospital and I couldn't decide if I was making a bad decision or not. Everything I said earlier was the truth... however, I was afraid that right now, I was in a fairytale, the honeymoon faze of our "relationship."
What was our relationship now anyway? I was super confused about that as well. After I spilled my guts, I left and then I came back and I'm pretty sure we almost had sex in the hospital and then he asked me to dance for him and then I left again.
Was I still just a toy to him. He hadn't really relayed the same feelings to me that I said to him yet, and whether or not I wanted to admit it, that made me sad.
With my mind somewhere else all evening, I dropped a bottle of wine that I was restocking that would for sure come off my paycheck, and then while I was with a customer... I didn't give him  the right amount of change back, and then I nearly ran into another customer, and I just about had a mental breakdown.
What the fuck was wrong with me? Maybe... maybe I just needed to wish him luck on his recovery and then forget about him.
I laughed out loud at that thought. Forget about Jared? That was never going to happen. It would be impossible.
As I was closing up, I leaned against the cooler and let the goosebumps take over my entire body.
What was I doing? I needed a sign. A clear sign to tell me what to do.
I hadn't turned the radio off yet and it was playing the all time best hits and the song changed and who was it?
It was Jared's band.
I smiled and shook my head.
"This is really what I should do universe? You're telling me that Jared is who I need to pursue?" I asked looking up at the ceiling like I was talking to an all knowing being with all the answers.
Of course, there was no other reassurance from the universe and I locked everything up and got into my car and started towards the hospital.
If I was going to really pursue this any further, I needed to know how he felt. If he thought that we were only ever going to have sex or if he actually thought there was any way that we could have a relationship, that would determine what my next steps were going to be. I couldn't spend the rest of my life just being his fuck buddy. I couldn't. As much as I hated him sometimes, there was a new profound feeling growing within me. Something I wasn't familiar with, not with him at least. It was warm and fuzzy and confusing and it was making me feel crazy.
If he didn't feel the same way about me... or thought he never could, I would half to end this. And I'd have to end it tonight. So we could both move on.

Hello lovely readers!
I wanted to come on and thank you all for taking the time to read this story. It's something I forgot about for a while but now that I'm writing it again, I'm really enjoying doing so.

Because I did forget about the story, there might be some story elements that are different and I apologize for that. I've done my best to try and go back and get the correct information from previous chapters, that way there is no confusion however, if there is flaws in the story, I do sincerely apologize because I know it can be confusing. However, I hope you all are still liking the story, even with all its flaws. I just wanted to talk about that before we proceeded further with the story.

By the way, what do you think Jared is going to say when Blaise asks him how he actually feels about her?

And just in general, do you think that they could have a relationship?

Let me know! I would love to hear your opinions!
Thanks so much <3
Your support means so much to me.

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