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Blaire's P.O.V.~

Waking up next to Jared this morning is really, really nice.
His ice blue eyes are looking at me, a smile grows on his face, and his hand is sweeping over my naked back.
"Good morning."
"Morning." I say with a smile.
"I love to see that smile of yours. It's way better than tears." He says and I take a breath.
"How long have you been looking at me?" I say and he runs a hand through his short but growing fast hair.
"Probably not long enough." He says and I laugh, sitting up.
"I could really go for some coffee."
"I'm happy you say that. Because I made the coffee pot up last night after you feel asleep." He says and it takes everything within me to not jump up out of bed and run for the coffee.
"You're on top of it." I say and he grabs my hand.
"Go get some coffee, women. You deserve it after last night." He says and I stand up, obeying his order.
I make my way out of the room and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, where there is in fact, hot coffee waiting for me.
I grab a mug and pour some coffee into it and then some creamer before heading back to the room where I find Jared reading the newspaper.
"What's new?" I ask sitting next to him.
"Not much. The president is still not being smart about the choices he's been making, the hurricanes are putting a lot of people in danger, there's an adopt a pet event tomorrow," he says and my eyes lighten up.
"Can we go?" I ask and he looks at me, an eye raised.
"You want an animal?"
"I miss having an animal. They love you unconditionally and the make you smile and feel all warm and happy. I don't know if I want to adopt one, but if there was one we both liked, maybe we could." I say and he puts the paper down.
"Okay. Let's go then." He says.
I smile.
"Really?" I ask.
He nods and I put my coffee down and pretty much tackle him.
I'm straddled over him and his hands are on my waist.
"You're awesome." I say and he laughs.
"If you would have said that a couple months ago, you would have been super sarcastic."
"You piss me off sometimes, but I enjoy being with you." I say and before I know it, his lips are on mine.
The newspaper crinkles below me when Jared grabs me and lays me down underneath him.
He's always so warm. He's like a walking heater and most of the time, it's too much but right now, with the cold sheets on my back, his warmth is more than welcomed.
"You're freezing." Jared states running his hands up and down my arms.
"I don't know why, you kept me warm all night last night." I say with a smile.
"We really should start getting ready for the day." He says and I sigh.
"Can't we just lay here all day together?"
"No. I wish, but no."
I pull his face down towards me again and kiss his lips.
"There just something about you... I can't get over." He says making my heart race.
"Liar. There are so many other beautiful women. I'm not that special." I say and his eyebrows furrow.
"You really think that way?" He asks and I can't help but tear up a bit.
"Jared, I am a women who society thinks is and never will be special. I'm just a body."
"Fuck society, Blaire. Stop allowing other people tell you, you aren't beautiful. That you aren't smart. That you aren't special. Because you are." He says wiping a tear away.
My chest feels tight. I know he means his words but my brain fights them. I don't tell him this though.
"Thank you." I say, a small smile on my face.
"Let's go on a date." He says, surprising me.
"Where?" I ask with a laugh.
"Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?"
"I don't know." I say and he sits up and I follow him.
"I want to go to a fancy restaurant with you. I want to take you to a shop, have you pick out an outfit you love and I want us to go to dinner."
"Are you sure? You don't have to spend that much money on me. In fact, that kind of makes me uncomfortable."
"I want to. I told you, I want you to feel powerful and beautiful. I know money doesn't create that long term, but I want to treat you like a queen. Like you deserve to be."
"Blaire, were going to go on this date. As soon as you're done getting ready, we'll leave alright. Take your time." He says before kissing me on the lips and standing up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" I say laughing.
"Going to go have some coffee. If I don't leave now, we won't ever get out of this room." He says and I smile.
"You're crazy."
"For you only, Blaire."
I finished putting on my outfit which consisted of skinny ripped blue jeans, knee high brown boots, a black and white stripped t-shirt and a maroon cardigan. My hair was loosely curled and my eye makeup was light and natural with a cranberry red lipstick.
When I walked into the kitchen, Jared was sitting there, all dressed up too and damn he looked good.
"Sorry I took so long." I say and he turns around towards me and smiles.
"You look beautiful."
"Aren't you supposed to say that later, when I'm trying things on?" I ask with a smile.
"I'm not supposed to say anything. I'm being truthful." He says grabbing my hand.
"You're such a sap."
"Yes I am. Come on, let's go." He says wrapping his arm around my waist.
We walk out the door and he opens the door for me like a gentleman.
"Do you understand that I'm going to be thanking you nonstop today. I already feel so bad for spending your money and I haven't even done it yet."
"Just try and enjoy it. This is supposed to be fun."
I sigh.
"Okay, I'll try."

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