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A Month Later-
With the help from my parents and doctors, they had somehow gotten me to move and talk again.
The doctors kept me for a week longer just to make sure I was going to be fine after I left. I was walking, I was dancing again, feeding myself again. Life was okay.
I hated that I was going back to live with my family though.
"How am I supposed to graduate from College mom?" I ask and she smiles.
"You'll take the class online baby. Things are going to be fine. We spoke to your professors and they are totally fine with it. They said they would make it work." She says and I sigh.
"Mom, I don't want to come back home." I say and she looks at me and gives me a look that says I don't have a choice.
"You'll be fine Blaire. Your father and I love you Hun. Please just work with us." She says and bite my lip.
In my head I thought, I can play sweet girl during the day and do my thing at night. It would be easy.
"Okay fine... But I'm not a child. I don't need a curfew or anything like that." I say crossing my arms over my chest and she smiles.
"You have a point. However, you can't be doing anything stupid like you've been doing for the past year so for a while, yes you will have a curfew and you will not argue with me or your father about it." She says and want to do exactly that.
"If I'm a good girl does that curfew get lifted?" I ask and she shrugs.
"Maybe." She says and and I sigh again.
Why was she making it so hard for me?
Four Months Later:
"Blaire? Time to get up! You have work to get to!" I hear my mom call up to me.
Little did she know I had been up all night.
This is how my life had been like for a while now.
Sometimes I got some sleep but most of the time, I was thinking about my life and how I used to feel alive and special.
Out of the three friends I had, Danny and Shayna had been the only ones to get into contact with me.
Ali was on tv a lot but she never even wrote me.
I wrote her a couple times but when I didn't get a reply I got pissed and now I couldn't stand the thought of her.
"I'm up mom." I say and I crawl out of bed and go to the bathroom to shower.
I sure missed having night job. College classes on line were every day now until I caught up with everything that I missed while I was in that stupid coma and for some fucking reason, I had these wild and sexy dreams about the guy who gave me his leather jacket, which by the way, I still had.
I hadn't worn it since my overdose but I knew it smelt of the handsome guy who was with me only hours before things went sideways.
Those dreams were fun though. I realized just how horny I truly was when I got home because I wasn't putting that energy towards stripping or actually having sex with someone.
Anyways, my job was at a market that our town put on every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
My mom knew some ladies who needed help setting up what they were selling and to be honest, I kind of enjoyed it.
But like I said, I missed my night job more.
I dress in shorts and a tank top, put my hair into a messy bun and do my makeup before going down stairs to have breakfast before going to the food market.
"No sleep again? Blaire, that's not healthy." My mom says. Obviously the makeup did not hide how tired I was.
"I'll get some coffee in my system and I'll be fine." I say with a smile, pouring said coffee into a cup and taking a drink.
I eat some bacon and eggs, brush my teeth quick and then head to my job.

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