Unlikely Friends

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"Thank you, Blaire." Pearl says sweetly.
Pearl and Margret were the ones working today with me and they were my favorites because they were so funny.
A couple weeks ago when I first met her she and I were setting up and we had been talking about her husband and she asked if I had a boyfriend. I told her no.
"Honey, I don't know why you don't have a boyfriend yet. You're so beautiful." Margret says one day to me.
"I guess I never opened myself up that way before ma'am." I say.
"Oh dear, please don't call me ma'am. I may be older but I am as spunky as you." She says with a laugh and I can't help but laugh with her.
"Listen, there are plenty of hot young men who come here on the weekends. Get your flirt on!" She says and I smile.
"Okay." I say and she nods and goes ahead and starts making the fruits and vegetables look nice as I continue to unload them.
Then there was Pearl. Pearl was just horny. She wasn't as old at Margret but she had already lost her husband a couple years back.
"Do you ever miss him?" I asked one day and she sighed.
"Well yes, but I don't spend my time being sad over it. He would want me to look. We sure did have fun together. A shame it is that he couldn't quit smoking fast enough to prevent getting lung cancer. He'll always be with me but it doesn't mean I can't look." She says with a smirk and as she says that she raises her eyebrows and looks in the direction of a man who's a bit older then me and I can't help but giggle.
"Hey honey! You look like you need some fresh produce." She yells I him and I shake my head and continue to unload.
Today was a hot day.
After I had helped them unload I helped the ladies set the fruit and vegetables up how they wanted and they told me to go look around the rest of the market and see if I could find something I liked.
"You sure? I can stay here and help." I say and they tell me they have it and that I need to go have some fun.
"Okay. Well, I'll be back in an hour." I say and they nod and help a customer.
As I'm walking around I think I see someone familiar but I can't place how I know them.
He has a hat on and he's wearing a white wife-beater tank top and jeans. Then it clicks when I really think about who this man is.
The guy who gave me his leather jacket.
My first instinct is to hide and then I get this wild idea to see if he recognizes me. I only wished I had that leather jacket on but thank God I wasn't because it was nearly a hundred degrees outside right now.
I gingerly walk up next to him, pretending to look at a vase.
He must sense my energy or is just weirded out how close I am to him and I feel his eyes on me.
I glance and smile trying to act like I don't know him and then go back to looking at the pointless things at this booth before leaving and walking away from him to a different booth.
I feel his eyes on my back but I refuse to turn around and look at him again.

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