Not Forgotten XXXIV

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, it's been a hot minute since I did a "demon/journal" P.O.V. I've done it one other time in Chapter "Queens and Kings" where the text becomes italicize and the tense changes to 1st tense. I guess this is your reminder so you're not wondering about the writing style.

Finally I am doing/will continue to do a Q/A for this story.

So far:

Q. How much longer will this novel be?

A. I think ten more chapters? We're getting close, but I have a writing problem and write too much lol.

Q. Have you planned every chapter, or do you write as you go?

A. I have known pretty much exactly what I was going to write scene for scene, but where to drop the knife and end a chapter is harder than it looks. I bunch of readers have comment they didn't expect me to take my story the way it went, but they love it. That's great to hear, but I can see why people would want to know if that was intentional or not.

I suppose look at it this way, if you were to reread every chapter (having known what you know now) you would probably see six or seven things per every chapter that directly eluding to pieces at the end of the novel. They are all related. I have a deep love of coming full circle on things; I'm sure by the end of this you guys will see that clearly. I knew the entire story for this when I was 19... It's just only now that it's being wrote down and shared.

Q. When will you edit?

A. I've listened to your words, and everyone agreed I shouldn't cut this novel, I should just re-publish a reduced and edited one that way people could still choose to enjoy the longer original. Once this story ends, I will make a new novel. I will use this story's post settings to alert readers to newly constructed chapters there.

Q. When does Alys' Father get released?

A. As of this chapter, it's down to 6 days. She found the letter at the two week mark which was the Thursday night she first went missing. Hayden found her Sunday and brought her to school that Monday. Monday night Doctor Hathaway confesses Hayden's crime and she confronts Hayden. Tuesday –Friday she paints like a mad man and that Friday marks only one more week. Friday Alys is attacked by Jackson, and that night Hayden sneaks into her room to make amends. We're now working on Saturday.

Q. How do you pronounce Alys/Hayden's name.

A. Alys is pronounced Uh-lease. Hayden is pronounced "Hey- Den". How were you readers pronouncing them?

Q. How often do you update?

A. Im sure all my old readers can laugh like maniacs at that question. Not often. I work two full time jobs and have little to no me time.

Do you draw?

Yep! Lots of readers have asked/wondered that, perhaps because I can describe art pretty well? I have nothing on Alys though. Attached is another "Demon" girl drawing I have done.

Let me know other questions and I will answer them next chapter.





I met Tim after my mother and I got done with the lawyers. It was the same despicable dribble I was already prepared for. We were safe. We were fine. We had nothing to worry about. My mother and I watched back with blank eyes, each in our own counting the times those very words had been said to us when my father was first being investigated.

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