What The HELL?!?!?

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Peyton's POV:
Huh, mine? did this dude just stake a claim on me, im not his, no matter how drawn to him I feel. "I'm not yours" I told him, thankfully without stuttering, that statement caused him to let out an animalistic grow. Holy crap, alright frightened now, he growled, how hard did I hit my head?

He started to lean in to me, his eyes...were pure black, darkest I've ever seen. I did the only thing I could do...I kicked him, right in the sweet spot. Once he was down, I kinda felt a bit guilty, but I had to do something, there was something not right about him.

I ran, as fast as my little legs could take me. Right into a friggen forest, are you KIDDING ME?!?!? Not to mention it was getting dark and I couldn't see a friggen thing.

I slowed my pace, walked so I didn't trip over nothing, clumsy idiot. But then a sound made me stop dead in my tracks, it was the same growl, that same animalistic call from earlier. I turned around slowly, trying to calm myself a bit, what I saw made my heart leap out of my chest.

A wolf


Okay remain calm, just walk away slowly, once step at a time. It was watching me, sadly, like I was hurting it somehow. It whimpered and that sent a jolt of pain through my heart, I clutched my chest. It watched every move I made with interest, moving towards me. I freaked and ran...again...panting and whimpering thinking this was the end.

It caught up and jumped on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I looked up, I new those eyes...Drake? But before I could question any theory, it bent down and sunk its teeth into my neck. A wave of absolute pleasure rushed through me, then I was out, sinking into a calm oblivion.

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