The Explanation

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The past week I haven't left my room, haven't eaten or spoken to anyone, let alone go to school. Trinity tried to speak to me, Becca tried to bribe me with food to come out of my room and Sophia...I haven't really seen her since the arrival of Drake. Hmm Drake, I miss him, but I'm so confused. I believe him, he is a werewolf and im his mate, but how could I not know they existed, how could I be so blind.

I was startled from my train of thought by a car door slamming shut, who is it now? "Peyton, were home" my Mother called out, jumping out of bed I rushed downstairs to greet them. "Hey mum, dad, how was your trip?", "Oh it was fin-what happened to your neck?!?!?" my mums eyes zeroed into my neck, "Umm, your gonna think im nuts, but a werewolf named Drake bite my neck and called me his mate, he turned into a werewolf right infront of my friggen eyes" I waited for the laughter, for them to call me an idiot and say I was imagining it. Instead they sighed, then my dad spoke up "She was bound to find out eventually", this got me confused, "What are you talking about?" to answer my question my mum grabbed my hand and took me to the living room with my dad in tow.

"Honey, first things first, your not really our daughter, we adopted you when you were born, your real parents were young and broke, they couldn't support you, we wanted to give you a good life", WTF? I was not expecting that, " The other thing honey is that you parents are mates, which means..." she looked at me waiting for me to look between the lines "Oh my god, im a werewolf"

"Yes you are, I would also like to know more about this drake" my dad, well not my dad but you get what I mean, said, "Well, hes an Alpha and he has a pack, hes a year older than me and goes to my school". I really didn't want to tell them any more, I felt weird around them right now."I want Drake", with that being said I walked out the door and left to the place I could call home.

In the arms of my mate.

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