The Stranger

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I froze, how lucky I must be, im in the middle of the woods, its dark I can hardly see a thing and now to top it all of there is some creep whose probably gonna kill me.

I spun around to face the stranger, finding a tall, somewhat muscular guy who looked no older than 16 standing a few feet away from me. This, really, this person is supposed to be the end of me, I could whoop his ass with a pinky. I felt this surge of anger rush through me, not allowing me to back down, so I stood up for myself.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I somewhat growled out, trying to suppress the urge to punch him in the face. "That should be the least of your worries, what you should be thinking is what Im gonna do to you" he smirked, the son of a bitch is asking for it, with that I lunged at him with a swift kick right to the sweet spot. I didnt stop there though, I landed a punch to his jaw and one to his nose, hopefully breaking it.

He fought backs though, punched me in the face and kicked me I the ribs, successfully winding me. As I tried to catch my breath a hand covered my mouth and within seconds I was being dragged away by the stranger. I tried to get out of his grip, I struggled so much that he gave up and threw me over his shoulder, I banged on his back but it was no use, I sighed and gave up.

After about 10 minutes of constact walking which caused me to have the feeling of nausea. I was tossed of his shoulder onto a matress, I groaned and tried to stand up, but my blood had rushed to my head and standing didn't seem like a good idea. I looked around and saw broken glass and dirt, mould on the walls and clothes scattered all around the floor.

I spotted the guy in the corner of the room picking up what looks like a chair and placing it in the center of the room. He walked over to me and grabbed me by my arm and shoved me on the chair. Jerk. He tied my hands behind my back... Where did he get the rope from... Weirdo, he stood infront of me with his arms crossed and spoke "Who are you?" funny I asked him the same thing "I asked you first" was my snarky reply, " Don't test my patience, answer me" he growled out loudly. It didn't bother me though, I don't know where this burst of courage came from but I was running with it. I didn't reply to him and that seemed to piss him off, he snarled and raised his hand. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, "Stop!" cried a male voice, I looked towards the sound and saw a male and female standing in shock, who the hell were they.

"Dad, she was snooping around in our area, I wanted to to know what she was doing, but she tested my patience", excuse me, I was not snooping, idiot. "You can't hurt her" the women stated nearly in tears. "Why not, mum?" the boy replied.

"Michael please" so that was his name "She's your sister".

What. The. Hell.

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