You Don't Want Me

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This place is confusing, I have gotten lost 4 times, trying to find this god damn house in the middle of friggen nowhere! I want to see Drake, I trust him, I know its only been a few days, but he hasnt lied to me my whole life, I wanted to tell him the truth about me. What I was.

Yes! finally I found the bloody thing, holy crap its huge, I only saw it from the inside, then the surroundings and back roads when I was taken home. I never knew how amazing the house was. The outside was all varnished wood, with vines climbing the sides, it was three storeys and was like something from a fairytale.

Okay, lets see who's home, with that being said I knocked on the door 3 times and waited. Within 10 of me knocking the door was flung open and I was greated by a stunning 8 pack and glistening skin. Oh My God. A slight chuckle brought me out of my trance, I looked up and saw none other than Drake Silver staring back at me with a smug smirk on his face. "Like what you see, kitten?" I gulped loudly, not being able to form coherent words.

My feet on their own accord started walking forwards stopping when I was right infront of Drake. I reached my hand out and felt his chest, causing him to let out a growl, that didn't stop me though, I let my hands wander, down, down, down, until they where caught and I was slammed up against the wall just inside the house. Good was that hot, I bit my lip and looked him in the eyes, they were shifting to black, I should be scared, but im not.

"I wouldn't do that kitten, your not ready to finish it", was he rejecting me, without permission a stray tear ran down my cheek. "Why are you crying, kitten?" I couldn't look at him, I didn't want to see the revulsion, I wasn't good enough for him.

I pushed past him and stormed back out of the house and sprinted off the way I came, he didn't come after me and that hurt more. After a while I stopped I had been to absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had taken a wrong turn and was now really lost. Ah crap its getting dark, was that a voice, now im hearing things, could this get any worse. Apparently I spoke to soon.

"Now what's a nice young girl doing out here, all by herself"

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