The Discovery

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I woke to the softness of my mates sheets, feeling at absolute peace with my life. I looked over and saw an empty side where my mate should lay. Panicking, freaking out of where the hell he could be I jumped from my side, somehow forgetting that I was tangled in sheets and landed in a heap of the bedroom floor. I groaned, what an idiot, struggling to untangle myself I let out a frustrated groan, failing to realise that the bathroom door had opened and out came my dazzing mate in nothing but a towel hanging very low on his hips. An amuzed look on his face, watching me struggle, the bastard even had the awedacity to watch me struggle without helping me, that caused the evil side of me to kick in and I wanted him to feel bad for laughing at me so I forced myself to start crying, hysterically. Confused and worried Drake leaned down and cupped my face "what's the matter baby, are you hurt, do you need anything just tell me whats wrong" he honestly looked on the verge of tears, but I couldn't bring myself to care, he pissed me off, I wanted him to pay. I whimpered and pointed to my foot, silently telling him that it hurt, well to him it looked that way. He picked my foot up and carefully examined it, he had this cute little pout and furrowed eyebrows, he looked like a kid who got told no more sugar, it caused me to let out a giggle which turned into some more intense giggling and then well I was close to issing mself on the floor. The strange look on Drakes face didn't help either, it was all to much, i got up and ran to the bathroom slamming the door in the process, sitting down to releive myself, struggling to contain the giggles passing my lips. Once I had done my thing and calmed down I realised the stupitity of the situation, how could I get mad at him for something so stupid. I felt horrible right now, which caused me to start crying again, Drake must have heard because the next thing I knew I was in his arms as he cradled me, rocking us back and forth until I was calm. I looked up at him " im sorry I overreacted, I wasn't really hurt, I faked it so you would feel bad, I was pissed off that you wouldn't help me, Im so so sorry, please don't be mad at me" I used the puppy dog eyes hoping that would work, Drake just laughed... I repeat he just laughed, at me. Now I was the confused one, WTF?! "baby calm down, im not mad..." he tralied off and I swear his eyes truned completely black, that only happened when he was about to shift. He looked down at me, closed his eyes and took a big breath inhaling my scent, "Sweatheart when was your last period?" well that was personal and totally uncalled for, but it got me thinking, when was my last period I should have been due a week ago, im late? " I think im late, why?" ,"Peyton, baby, I think we need to see the pack doctor", " what why?"

"I think your pregnant...

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